Tips on Selecting Baseboard Moldings for Your Home

Baseboard molding is a type of decorative molding that is installed at the bottom of a wall against the flooring in order to finish the region where the two surfaces (area where the wall meets the floor). Choosing your baseboard molding is very important because it actually helps determine the architectural finishing of the house. For your houses to look good and endure time and seasons, here are some tips on how to choose a baseboard molding.
1. As a rule of thumb, it is important to choose baseboards that will work harmoniously with your door and window casing. Although a poor match can still work using plinth blocks installed beneath the casing or a backband added to the casing’s outer edge, it can still create a problem because aside from the obvious aesthetic side, you run the risk of the baseboard separating in the long run.
2. In choosing, always consider your home style. Georgian and Federal homes usually have substantial base molding that are often times made of marble. Victorian style matches more with deep baseboards. Craftsman style will go well with wise, flat board, and slightly rounded top edge. Modern home usually have a more colonial-style moldings.
3. A typical home uses baseboards from 2′ to 6′ deep from top to bottom. Usually, they are sold in long pieces (around 8′, 10′, and 12′). Make sure you measure carefully what you need and consider adding extra when you buy them. Have a little more can save you time and energy from going on another trip to the store plus you’ll have enough for the joints and corner cuts.
4. Choose shock resistant baseboard which has can give you a maximum long-term protection against scratches and dents. This is especially useful if you’re installing a baseboard for high traffic areas.
5. Seek professional help and if you can, seek more than one. You don’t need to go the expensive road to get these advices. You can consult with any home improvement center associate or if you can also ask anyone you know (directly or indirectly) who are involved in building houses.
6. Don’t buy impulsively. There are hundreds of brands available in the market and if you give yourself time to go through, at least the highly recommended ones, you will most likely choose the best one that fits your need.
The cheap way is usually not the best way to go when it comes to baseboard moldings. However, it you can find good ones that are not too expensive either. Again, it will do a great deal for you to consult with an expert.
Aside from local DIY and hardware stores like Ace and Home Depot, you may also check and for high quality moldings.