Tips on Winterizing Your Home

Caulking windows is not difficult although if you have a second story, you will have to buy a ladder that is long enough to reach the windows. Buy a caulk gun, and window caulk so that you can begin right away. Simply run the caulk gun around the edge of the window in order to seal more heat inside. If you have a newer home, you should not have to caulk the windows, but many older homes will need to be checked. Over time, caulk can become dry and brittle and will have to be replaced.
If you live in an area that is very cold during the winter, you will want to check your pipes to make sure that they will not freeze and burst when the weather is too cold. Insulating the pipe or buying pipe that is insulated will help reduce this problem. While pipes can burst at any time, you should prevent it as much as possible. Keep the water running in the winter time in order to prevent water from freezing. If the water does freeze, do not use the water and instead try heating the pipes using a small heater to keep the water from turning into ice and exploding.
Cleaning out your gutters during the fall months is a good idea so that the gutters do not fall down during the winter time due to the weight of the snow. Clean gutters will also allow water from the snow to run freely off the roof. Winterizing your home is easy and should be given priority to other home improvement projects you may have in mind.