Tips to Decorate Your Home for Christmas

It’s Christmas and loves to get there home looking festive for the season. This can be done with very little expense. You have your tree put up and decorated but what do you do, to get the rest of the house looking a lot like Christmas?

I have a few tips that will liven up your home and not empty your wallet. Save your Christmas cards each year and you can use them the next year to hang on a wall in the room of your choice to give the wall a little Christmas look.

Wrap your pictures with Christmas wrap it will look like you have little Christmas gifts hanging on the walls and your guests will be sure to comment on them.

Tape Christmas wrap on your coffee and end tables. If you have old CDs laying around that no one likes or uses wrap them in Christmas wrap too and use them for coasters.
You can also tape Christmas wrap on the walls around your tree like wallpaper.

Fill pretty bowls and baskets with fruits and nuts. They are nice to have sitting around plus everyone can grab one out of the bowl if they get hungry.

Fill bowls and baskets with little colored Christmas bulbs to create a festive look; you can also use little pinecones.

Does your Christmas tree look like a little bare but you can’t afford to by decorations? Then these are tips you may like also that will brighten up your tree.

Pop some popcorn and thread a needle with a long piece of thread tying a knot at the other end. And run the thread and needle through each piece of popcorn. If you prefer a little color you can dip the popcorn in food coloring before stringing. After stringing hang around your tree like you do lights and garland.

Another cheap way to decorate your tree is to buy little ribbons. These can usually be bought for about one dollar a dozen. Just hook the ribbons one of each branch of the tree.

So if money is tight this year or you just want to try your hand at these ideas, you might your home looks just a little more festive and it didn’t cost much if anything to accomplish.

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