Tips to Discourage Garage Burglars

As the weather gets warmer keep an eye on your car and your garage. You may be in a more carefree mood to leave your garage door open and unlocked or your car windows down, but law enforcement agencies say that’s not a good idea.

Many people focus their security on their home where the bulk of valuables are kept. They make sure the alarm system is on and all the windows are locked. Some of those same people often neglect to lock up other areas including their car, shed or garage.

When spring and summer hits there are higher incidents of burglaries from garages and vehicles. The culprits may not be looking to steal your car or your riding mower, but could set their sights on small items such as beer, cash, CDs and laptops. And they’ll hop from one garage to the next looking for goods. Think it doesn’t happen? Recently a couple in Michigan reported that 24 bottles of beer were stolen from their garage.

There are things you can do to avoid a garage or car burglary at your home. Here’s how:

Lock your garage door. It may seem like common sense, but there are many people who will lock the door to their home, but not lock the door to their garage. This is especially true of garages not attached to the home. In some places it’s not uncommon to see open garage doors with no homeowner in sight.

Don’t keep valuables in the car. It doesn’t matter if your neighborhood looks or feels safe. Make sure you don’t leave anything visible in your car. And even if thieves don’t steal your car you have a chance of having your window smashed in if you leave your purse or other valuables in plain view. If you have to leave valuable items in the car, lock them in the truck where they can’t be seen. Do this even if your car is sitting in your own driveway.

Good lighting. Place lighting around your home including your garage. If you don’t want to have your house lit, you can install lights that will only come on when triggered by motion. You’ll startle a burglar and stop them in their tracks. They’ll move on to another target or leave the area completely.

Get to know your neighbors. If you become friendly with your neighbors, they’ll take interest in watching out for your property and alert you to suspicious activity. They’ll also know who should and shouldn’t be wandering around your home. Also be on the lookout for suspicious activities and talk with your neighbor about what you’ve seen.

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