Tips to Help You Sleep While Traveling

If you are a frequent flier, here are some tips to keep your sleep cycle on track. Avoid early morning flights as they may deprive you of sleep the night before. Schedule your flight so that you arrive at your destination in time for a full night’s rest. Do not take red-eye flights unless absolutely necessary. When reserving seats, choose those that will give you the most legroom such as an emergency row or aisle seat. Pack a small bag of comfort items such as eye shades, lip balm, bottled water, earplugs, and moisturizer. Plan to wear loose clothing on the flight and dress in layers for warmth and comfort.
Start to preset your biological clock five days before your flight. If you are flying east go to bed earlier and wake up earlier. If flying west, try to stay up later and get up later. Once you are seated on your flight, reset your watch to the time zone of your destination. Keep yourself hydrated to counteract the dry cabin atmosphere. When the captain turns off the seatbelt sign take a few jaunts up and down the aisles aid in blood circulation. Do a few stretches to replace and refresh the air in your lungs. Loosen up your clothing to aid in circulation and slip off your shoes. Get comfortable. Eat lightly before and during the flight. Minimize alcoholic beverages. Consider caffeinated beverages during the day but avoid use within 4-6 hours before bedtime as sleep onset may be delayed. Discuss the benefits and possibilities of sleep medication with your doctor before your flight.
Once you check into your hotel, request a room away from noise distractions such as stairways, vending machines, and breakfast rooms. If your room is facing the street, ask for a second floor room. Rooms with eastern and southern exposure in the mornings will leave you more alert in the morning. Try to acclimate yourself to the time zone you are in and avoid naps. Try to stay awake the entire day so you do not ruin your night’s sleep. Keep the curtains drawn to shield you from the light and noise distractions from outside. Keep the room at a comfortable temperature between 65 and 67 degrees in the afternoon and evening. Go to bed and awaken at the appropriate time for the new time zone. Schedule outdoor activities at your new destination as soon as possible.
For road travelers, sleep debt can be dangerous to yourself and other drivers as well. If you are planning a road trip, be sure to get plenty of rest the night before. Don’t start out if you’ve had too little sleep or are sleepy when you want to leave. Plan to be refreshed when you depart. Plan your trip according to suggested driving time limits. Don’t plan on driving more than 10 hours per day. Make regular stops every 100 miles or every two hours. Try to avoid taking antihistamines as they can cause drowsiness.
Try to drive during the day when you are normally awake and stop when you get tired. It is not a good idea to try to drive straight through. Keep your car temperature cool, turn up the tunes and keep the music selections upbeat. Don’t use cruise control if you can help it. Try to maintain good posture while driving. Slumping can bring tiredness. Make a few stops along the way for a drink and a light snack. Don’t get catatonic and focus on one point in front of you. Scan your surrounding s and keep your eyes moistened with blinking. Traveling with a companion can help as they can watch for signs of fatigue before an accident or catastrophe ensues.
If these tips do not work, it is time to pull over and sleep!