Tips to Remove Blood Stains

Blood is a very hard stain to remove from clothing or linens. It is best to try and remove a blood stain as quickly as you can. The faster you get to the blood stain the more success you will have at removing the blood. But even if the blood has had a lot of time to set you can still try to remove it with this method. It just might clean up the stain very nicely.

All you need to try to remove a blood stain is some corn starch and cold water. Depending on how big the blood stain is will depend on how much of the mixture you will need. This method of removing a blood stain is simple, quick and easy. It is also very economical since it just uses some corn starch and water. If you get a blood stain then you can’t loose much by trying to remove it since it isn’t very nice having the blood stain.

Take some corn starch and mix in a drop of cold water at a time until you have created a paste that is the consistency of very thick pancake batter.

Then with your fingers put the corn starch paste on the blood stain and rub the cornstarch mixture into the stain really good. The idea is to get the corn starch worked into the stain so that the corn starch will absorb the blood as it dries.

After you have the corn starch rubbed into the blood stain put the blood stain in a sunny location and let it dry completely.

When the blood stain covered in corn starch is dried completely take a soft brush or rough wash cloth and brush off the remaining corn starch residue. If you brush off the corn starch residue and the blood stain is still there you can repeat this process at this time.

If the blood stain is gone then you can wash the clothing or linen as you normally would.

Before you try this procedure to remove a blood stain you may want to try it on a small unnoticed place of the fabric to be sure it will not affect the fabric in any way. Try it on small spot of the inside of a hem. Or on a place that is not very noticeable. If there is a change in the fabric you can decide if it is worth doing to the blood stain or not.

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