Top 10 Baby Items Under $50

Any new parent knows the pressure a new baby can put on the wallet. We all want the best for our new bundle of joy, and at the best price! Whether this is the first or last new addition to the family being frugal is often the key to being a good parent.

The new baby requires a lot of new things, from Diapers to strollers and everything in between. This can be a challenge and finding the best deal for the greatest bargain can be nothing short of a necessity.

Being a seasoned parent, and having done my time in the baby departments of every known store, I am an expert in frugal buying for baby. A baby on a budget does not have to be a baby in need! Read on for great must have baby buys for the first 3 months of your precious bundle’s life. This Top 10 Baby Items under $50 will have something you need.

1. Coming at number one on the needs list is of course diapering needs. This includes the diapers or pampers and wipes. In this age, few use cloth diapers so I will focus on disposable needs. I have found by far Huggies is the best bargain for the price. In the early months baby needs to be changes up to 12 times a day! Huggies are ultra absorbent and for the price, I would highly recommend this brand of disposable diapers. However, when it comes to the wipes, I would, unless your baby has sensitive skin, use store brand. Store brand come in at half the cost of name brand, and do the same thing! Cut cost on the wipes and go for the name brand diapers! You can learn more about Huggies at and even enter some contest for free diapers!

2. Car seat. This is a must have to even make it home from the hospital! Wal-Mart has a great bargain on an Evenflow Discovery Car Seat, coming in at $49.99 this is the best value for the dollar. A trusted manufacturer, 3 point harness, with car seat base for easy installation I recommend this deal at Wal-Mart. One problem, it is such a bargain that Wal-Mart sells them quickly. If you cannot find the car seat at your Wal-Mart, find out what day the delivery of this item is on, and be there as soon as they hit the floor. This infant car seat is well worth the hassle of being the first in the door! For the price this is the infant seat to track down!

3. Stroller. Another absolute must have for the new parent. There are strollers in every brand, weight, style and color imaginable. They also come in every price range, from $40- $400 dollars. If you want a nice rugged daily use stroller, again, Wal-Mart has the deal for you. The Jeep Cherokee Sport Lightweight Stroller is the best bargain I have seen. This all-terrain stroller that folds with the flick of one hand comes in at only $49.99. Easy to clean with snack cup and juice box holder this stroller will suite your new baby until he weighs 35lbs, well into the second year for most children. In blue and pink this is a stroller deal you do not want to miss!

4. Feeding. Whether you breast or bottle feed is for you decide, clearly breast feeding is the most economical and healthy. If you choose to bottle feed I would go with the First years Soothie Bottle Start Set, which is available only online at for a price saving $14.95! The set includes 5 bottles with nipples in various sizes, 3 containers for storing formula, 1 bottle and nipple brush and an infant pacifier. You just cannot match this bargain! For the breast feeding mom Target has a can not beat battery or electric breast pump for $19.99! The Gentle Expression Pump 510-604 is a deal for the price.

5. Layette. For new baby you need one piece suits, night gowns, socks, bibs and blankets. I know the fancy outfits are cute, but if you’re going for economical and practical all you need are one piece cotton outfits and night gowns or blanket pajamas depending on the weather. Again, comes in the best online deals for the price. The Cute as Button set includes;
�Receiving blanket
�Burp cloth
All these baby items in one set can be purchased for $23.00. In addition you may want to add the Child of Mine by Carters 4 piece gown and beanie set for $10.70 along with the Baby Connection 5 cotton Onesie set for $9.95. Add the Gerber flannel 5 piece receiving blanket set and you should be set for the first few months.

6. Bassinet- Again, comes in top of my list for this item. With a bassinet that coverts into a toy box after baby has outgrown it this is a deal you do not want to let slip past you! The Badger Basket 2-1 convertible bassinet with eyelet bedding is a find I was thrilled to run across this find while doing some baby shower shopping for a friend. Coming in at special online price of $49.95 this is the best deal I have found an item of this nature. Best of all, it grows with baby! Most, babies are out of a bassinet and into a full crib between 3-4 months. This is a great deal because you can keep using far past that initial stage! This is my Top recommend item on the Top 10 baby items under $50.00!

7. Health & Hygiene. The Deluxe Healthcare & Grooming Kit by Summer at Kmart is great buy for $19.99. This handy kit has everything you may need for baby. Complete 28 piece kit includes: Brush, Comb, Double Nail Clippers, Medicine syringe, Nasal aspirator, Digital thermometer, Forehead thermometer with case, Finger toothbrush with case, 6 emery boards, 5 alcohol swabs, Emergency information card, Pacifier medicine dispenser, Teether Gum massager, al in a stylish storage case. Add the Newborn to Toddler bath center by Summer, also at Kmart, which includes the only tub parents will need from infancy through toddler hood. Its four states grow with your child to make bath time easier. This tub also includes the unique Rite TempBaby Bath Shower for easy, clean rinsing. And you are ready to bath, and keep your new little bundle clean and healthy! Don’t forget to buy some Infant Tylenol, the best buy for results; you will need this in case of sudden fever.

8.Bouncer Seat. The Bright Star comfort and play Bouncer is my pick for this product. This bouncer with 3 positions, music, mobile, and soothing vibrator is the best buy at $24.99 at Target. Not something you must have, but this item will sure make with the new baby a bit easier for you and soothing for him.

9.Swing. The Baby Connection Top Open swing at Wal-Mart will do the trick to sooth baby and your wallet. At only $29.00 you cannot beat the price on this baby swing. Coming in second is Beginners Gentle Motion swing at Kmart for $39.00. Like the bouncer, the swing is a item that will help you and occupy baby.

10.On the go play yard. For these trips to grandmas or over nights I recommend the Baby Connections Funsport play yard. This handy device can be used as a bed, play yard and best of all it is portable. With easy set-up and fold and go you take this anywhere, from grandma’s house to the airport! Coming in at only $39.99 it is well worth the cost for the mobility it gives you and your new baby.

So, there you have the Top 10 Baby Items Under $50. This Top 10 Baby Item list could be called Top 10 Baby on a Budget Items! I hope this list has been helpful, for you and your baby. Being frugal does not have to mean no fun! You may want to print this list and have this Top 10 Baby Items under $50 with you when you go shopping. Good luck with your new baby and with finding deals!

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