Top 10 Blogs for Celebrity Gossip!! Where to Go to Be in the Know

Top 10 Celebrity Gossip Blogs
Unlike most people, I’m happy to admit that I read gossip. I love it and I can’t get enough. US Weekly, Star, People Magazine. You name it, I read it. Magazines used to be the only way we nosy people of the world could get our gossip, but that has changed recently with the invention of the internet and the widespread use of its companion known as the blog. The medium designed for and by the people. Where anyone, known or unknown, can discuss their opinion, experience or whatever else it is they choose to write about.

When it comes to gossip, there are plenty of mainstream websites dedicated to celebrity news, and I’ve included some of them, but my list mainly consists of regular people, like you and me, who do not have their own television networks, nor do they publish a magazine but they nevertheless manage to make a splash in the crazy world of celebrity news.

These insiders are the ones who sit next to Paris Hilton at the hottest clubs in L.A; they shop alongside Nicole Ritchie on Robertson Boulevard, and get their hair done next to Lindsay Lohan. They know it all and are all too willing to share. Gossip has become apart of our daily life and these blogs are dedicated to providing all the information we could ever want.

So here, for all to enjoy, is my Top 10 list of blogs dedicated to Celebrity Gossip. : One of the titans of celebrity gossip, TMZ is the blog all other blogs use to link to as the place to get all the information your heart desires. Featuring gossip, news or even just hearsay from all over the industry including; television, movies, music, and fashion, TMZ is at the forefront of this nation’s obsession with other people’s lives. Trying to list all of the things in store for you at this blog is an impossible task, as there is too much. So drop what you’re doing and get over there now! : One of the most popular blogs dedicated to the daily activities of celebrities. Based in Manhattan, dubbed the center of the universe, Gawker manages to keep track of celebrities with its Gawker Stalker program, post daily gossip concerning everything from restaurants, fashion, late night hot spots and of course celebrity gossip, without breaking a sweat. The great thing about Gawker is that their information is up-to the minute and available 24/7 as audience participation is welcomed. : Everyone knows the VH1 show, Best Week Ever. Well in case you didn’t watch the daily show, you now have the chance to catch up on all the rumors you may have missed, by visiting their online blog. Where you can read all of the daily gossip, review the weekly roundup, or just search by celebrity name to all the gossip ever said about that person. Filled with info and video clips from all over the internet, Best Week Ever loves to share information. Plus it’s a fun website, guaranteed to bring a smile to your face or in my case screaming laughter. : One of my favorite websites for getting the juiciest gossip around. Perez Hilton helms this blog with continuous pictures of celebrities doing god knows what, breaking gossip, and scintillating rumors. Not only does he report back to his eagerly awaiting public with rapid fire, he also manages to get himself in every hot party, movie screening and secret late night performance around, so the information he’s usually bringing to the table is not only gossip but first hand knowledge. : The motto for this celebrity blog is; Everybody’s business is my business! And Trent, the author behind the scenes, lets the reader know everyone’s business for sure! Hip, up-to-date and at all the best places to be, pinkisthenewblog, is here to stay. : This website is by far one of my favorites. I can’t even remember how I came across this website but I’m happy I did. The author, Brit Boy, hails from the other side of the ocean, but loves America, especially our scandalous celebrities and makes every effort to inform the public of what they’re doing and of course what he thinks about it. Don’t miss out on this one! : Described on the website as a celebrity gossip rag, is designed to give the reader a daily dose of celebrity gossip, media speculation, and fashion critiques, done in celebration of all that is fabulous, scandalous and just too good to miss! So while you may not be a socialite yourself, it’s always a treat to live vicariously through one : EW stands for Entertainment Weekly, the media magazine that we’ve all come to know and love. (Or is that just me?) EW has been around a long time (you should check out their recent magazine which features all five covers dedicated to James Bond, going back to the 60’s), so whatever they post is probably not gossip, but most likely as factual as we can get these days. If you want to know about the latest movies, television shows, who’s been fired, who’s been hired, what new album is worth the wait, what book to read and everything else pertaining to pop culture from decades past to now, EW is the place to be! The magazine is fantastic, but the online website is even better. Offering opinions from their staff of writers who usually specialize in a certain field (TV, Movie, Music) you are guaranteed to walk away with a stomach full of industry news. : Young, Black and Fabulous is the blog for anyone concerned with gossip relating to powerful black actors, musicians and just plain famous people. I can’t get enough of this one. The pictures are exclusive, the celebrities interesting and the amount of scandalous information is too much for one person to handle, so make sure to spread this one to all of your friends!

Last but not least: I couldn’t decide on just one final blog, so I’ve added a couple as honorable mentions to round off the top ten list, be sure to check out these websites as you will not walk away disappointed; Funny and useful when you are looking to waste time being nosy. : A website close to my heart, seeing as I’m a pop culture junkie who’s always looking for a fix. : First I just love the name and the blog is not too bad either. Check out this one in addition to all the others, it’s so cute!

I hope you enjoy the list. Make sure to pass it along and most importantly have fun!

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