Top 10 Web Features Your Site Must Exploit

While almost anyone can have a web site these days it’s much harder to have a good website. From design aspects to readable content many sites fall flat. Below I’ve arranged a Top 10 list, because everyone loves a Top 10!

1. Detailed About Us page.
The About Us page is a good place for visitors to begin building trust in your company.

Include contact information or a clear link to a Contact Us page. Be concise and accurate. Add important information and links to other relevant pages.

2. Contact Us page
Clearly link to contact information. Include every available communication avenue. Telephone and fax numbers, e-mail addresses, physical addresses, and satellite locations should appear on this page.

Label departments clearly to decrease frustration and establish stronger communication.

3. Add News, Press Releases, a Blog, and/or Article Pages
Provide fresh content often. Maintain content pages to ensure repeat visitors.

Search engines seek out fresh content like users. To increase the chance of repeat crawls fresh, relevant content much be available. More crawls equal better rankings in organic listings leading to increased traffic.

4. Relevant Page Title
Sounds minute, but it’s important. “Untitled Document” or “Document 1” is not sufficient. Neither is repeating the title across the site.

Titles should clearly and accurately describe your page. Use keywords in the title if possible.

Remember, search engines display page titles on SERPs. Use titles to stand out.

5. Relevant Page Name
Also important and often overlooked.

Straightforward URLs are best, avoid “?”. You want search engines to find your pages. You also want humans to be able to read your names. Keep it simple and clean.

6. Good Grammar, Correct Spelling, Sentence Structure
As important as what your page says is the way it’s worded. Relevant content must be readable or it’s useless. Provide users with readable type or they will bounce.

Misspellings, incorrect word usage, bad grammar are all distractions. Don’t distract your client, captivate them. Also distracting, slang and derogatory language.

Your site should build confidence. Avoid grammatical errors at all costs.

7. Professional Design, Colors, and Images
Design should enhance user experience and ease navigation. Avoid clutter and flash.

Colors should be inviting, not overpowering. Colors should compliment your brand, product or content. Be careful with text colors, text must remain readable.

Images should be relevant, of high quality, and should enhance not distract. People images rate higher than other images. Consider image load time.

8. Make Sure ALL Links Work
An often overlooked no-brainer. Double check your links, fix broken links immediately.

Checking links periodically may be necessary, especially for sites providing links to different sites.

9. Analyze Log Files
Data captured in log files is invaluable. It can also be confusing. Programs are available to help analyze data. This is one of the most valuable and least utilized resources available to you.

10. SSL (Secure Socket Layer) Certificates
Use on sites requiring sensitive information. Do not use this on every page.

Pages requiring e-mail, names, telephone numbers, addresses, credit card information, social security information or any other information visitors may not readily be giving up online should be securely collected via SSL.

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