Top 2006 Halloween Costumes for Adults

Just because I am 23 doesn’t mean that I don’t enjoy dressing up and enjoying Halloween festivities like I did as a kid. Last year and the year before, my husband and I bought costumes and traveled to his alma mater to celebrate with the wild and rowdy college students of ECU. The first year I was a sexy nurse and he was my pimp daddy. Last year I wore a gaudy blue outfit and called myself the naughty Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. My husband chose to be Joe Dirt, wearing a torn sleeved flannel shirt and ragged blue jeans.

Sitting there on the second floor of Buffalo Wild Wings in downtown Greenville, we were able to overlook the Mardi Gras-like streets. Some costumes people wore were very original, while others were traditional witches and pirates, sexy and flashy, nurses and clowns.

No matter what people say, you are never to old to stop enjoying Halloween! I have compiled a list of top costumes for 2006. If you are like me, it’s hard to decide what I want to dress up as. Hopefully this list will help you as much as it is helping me.

For women, Batgirl, Betty Boop, and a lacey black pirate outfit round out the top costumes for this year. Marilyn Monroe and Queen of Hearts are also going to be popular. The Queen of Hearts costume is a high collar black dress with a black and white striped top with the seams outlined in red. There are also red hearts running up and down the white stripes of the top. The skirt is black, with a feather ruffle around the bottom. Matching card stockings and a jeweled crown are also features of this costume. If you choose to bare some skin and legs this Halloween, sexy Wonderwoman and Policewomen costumes are going to be all over the streets. The Wonderwoman outfit resembles a mini-dress with a red velvet halter top and attached blue mini-skirt with white stars. It also includes a red cape, sliver gauntlets, gold belt, gold tiara, and red velvet boot tops with white vinyl accents.

The overall top-rated costume this year for men is a Jack Sparrow outfit. The costume greatly resembles the main character from Pirates of the Caribbean. The deluxe version of this costume has a brown jacket with black leather trim, and also has attached black leather vest and off-white shirt. Furthermore, it includes a black leather hat with feathers and gold trim, brown lace-up boot tops, and red waist sash with gold trim. Zorro, Scarface, and Elvis costumes remain popular again this year.

If you and your significant other like to have couples costumes, Batman and Batgirl, Wench and Pirate, as well as Hugh Heffner and a Playgirl star are leading choices for 2006. For comedians out to get a laugh from the crowd, be an outhouse or a kissing booth. The outhouse is made of foam and you slip it over your body. Your head sticks out the top, and the roof is actually a hat you wear. The kissing booth is the same concept, except it covers your entire body. There is a square cut-out opening for your head and face to show. A beer keg will surely turn eyes and heads toward you. It is a one-piece foam “Beer Keg” tunic, and its helmet has a beverage reservoir on top and hand held nozzle to dispense 13oz of a real beverage. Yes, it really holds your favorite beverage in the hat! Just press the hand nozzle to dispense it!

Whether you stay in this year or go out on the town to celebrate Halloween, there is sure to be a costume out there just for you. After researching 2006 costumes, I have decided I am going to be a pirate this year and have my husband be Jack Sparrow. The only question that remains now is, since we moved to Florida, where is the best place to go to celebrate?

Happy Halloween, Everyone!

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