Top 25 Accessories List for Women

OkâÂ?¦. so I was bored and decided to surf the web when I came across the top 25 accessories for women today. And what are they? 24 of them are handbags! Give me a break! And the prices of these things! Come on. What everyday women would even consider spending $995.00 for a tote bag? I certainly wouldn’t.

The amazing thing is the $995 jobber is number 3 on the list. It is a Caviar Leather Tote Bag for Chanel. Can we say – buying the name, people? Number one is a Gucci Moon Bag for $355 and the 2nd is a Wilsons Leather Paris Business Tote for $199.99. Unbelievable! And I thought woman shoes were ridiculous?

Out of the 24 handbags listed Gucci came in way ahead of the game with 9 bags/totes. Chanel and Isabella Fiore both came in second with 3 listed while Wilson, Fendi and Prada all had 2 in the top list. Lulu, apt. 9 and Burberry had one each. I must admit the apt. 9 Leopard Hobo only cost a mere $25.20 and while they consider it “wildly stylish”, I consider it just plain “wild” and would not consider walking down the street with it. Most of these handbags have a price range on them of $299 on up. Most are leather while some are faux suede and/or some ungodly print. Or even pink trim. Yum! Please. I rather spend the money nice weekend getaway!

Some come with advertising descriptions like “for a high class lady”, set “apart from the crowd”, or “stylish and elegant”âÂ?¦. well maybe. This Gucci leather handbag is one of the best out of the bunch – if I had to choose one – but for the price of $459.99 – no way!

If you are unlike me and any of these bags or tote sound great just remember, you better run right out to get it because this top 25 list of accessories is updated every couple of days and your bag may drop off the list.

I’m sorry, in all of this I failed to mention the belt that came in at # 23? Prestige by Chambers Wide Braided Belt. How honored they must feel! And it’s a steal at $22.00. Definitely got to run out and buy it!


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