Top 6 Vitamins and Supplements for Men

All of the sugary junk food in stores and restaurants isn’t good for men and their physical well-being. It seems like the media inundates people with images of snacks and high-caloric meals that look appealing, but in reality have adverse effects. For men looking to enhance their overall fitness, consider the following vitamins and supplements.


According to Men’s Health, “Men with the highest boron intakes are 65 percent less likely to develop prostate cancer than men with lower levels, studies show.” This is compelling evidence for regular use of this supplement, and finding it in local grocery stores or pharmacies is an easy process.

Protein Powder

Building muscle mass requires more than lifting weights and regular exercise. Without the proper nutrition and protein intake, efforts in the gym are made in vain. Men’s Fitness notes that protein powder is a key supplement for gaining strength and taking men’s physiques to the next level.


All of the sugar and preservatives in food can cause diabetes in men and women that are prone to developing the condition. Men’s Health reports that “Chromium improves the body’s sensitivity to insulin, making it easier to keep blood-sugar levels under control.” Diabetes wreaks havoc on energy levels and stamina.

Centrum Silver Men 50+

This multivitamin solution contains a variety of health supplements for men, which is important for those looking to improve their overall health. Consumer Search reports that “Experts say men should ignore the “for men 50+” on the label and make Centrum Silver their primary multivitamin supplement.”

Fish Oil

Men’s Fitness reports most young men do not consider the condition of their heart early in life, “But if you have a family history of heart disease, you ought to start thinking about fish oil, the best protection available against the disease.” A healthy heart leads to a better quality of life.

Vitamin D

According to WebMd, “Federal dietary guidelines recommend that the elderly, the homebound, and people with dark skin boost their vitamin D intake with both fortified foods and supplements to reduce the risk of bone loss.” For men, this is a critical point and directly impacts one’s ability to lead a productive life.

Do not let the fast food restaurants get the upper-hand in the battle for healthy living. Look for new ways of eating that circumvent the bad habits perpetuated by the media. Use the supplements and vitamins listed above to preserve physical well-being.

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