Top Anti-Aging Products Under $10

Let’s face it, we all get old as a natural part of life; so, why not naturally maintain our skin’s beauty? Even though the clock is against us it doesn’t mean that we have to look like it. Beauty expert, Laura Du Priest, has done it again. She has great recipes that are made from what you have in your kitchen to help tighten your skin while enhancing your natural youthful glow.
These simple recipes can be used often and with only a few uses you should visibly notice a difference in skin elasticity and the appearance of other fine lines and wrinkles. The anti-aging treatments that are on the market today are extremely expensive, unless you buy the cheap one which takes you a few months to notice any difference at all. For fast and effective ways to tighten skin without tightening your wallet try these great recipes.
Top Anti-Aging Products Under $10: Facial Masks
Masks that use fruit acids are a great way to go. It helps in the process of exfoliation by readying the dead skin cells to be removed leaving behind youthful skin. One warning however; try not to use the fruit acid treatments on a day you also perform the exfoliating scrubs as it may irritate your skin.
� 3 strawberries smashed into pulp
� 1 tsp of fresh lemon juice
Mix thoroughly with fingers and apply evenly to face in a circular motion. Leave on for 3-5 minutes. And rinse with warm water, and then pat dry.
Top Anti-Aging Products Under $10: Exfoliation Cream
Exfoliation is an important step in achieving great younger looking skin. Remember to try to do it twice a week but do not do it too often as it can irritate sensitive skin.
� 1 tbs of sugar
� 1 tbs of vegetable oil
Mix well with finger tips and apply to face. With a gentle circular motion rub into your skin for 3 minutes. Rinse with warm water and a wash cloth until the oil residue is gone.
*Many salons use and sell products for anti-aging uses these two ingredients and the creams sell above $30.00 as is revealed in Laura’s book entitled, “Natural Beauty”.
Top Anti-Aging Products Under $10: Skin Firming Masks
Many women go to plastic surgeons to remove loose skin on their faces, which is to me unnecessary. If your skin is drooping or loose and you need to tighten it up it is so much nicer to use masks and creams to fix the problem rather than a knife. This banana and honey mask will help firm your skin for a tight and smooth face which is perfect for aging skin.
â�¢ Mash �½ of a ripe banana
� Add a tsp of honey and mix thoroughly
Apply a thick coating to your face and neck area. Leave it on until completely dry and you feel your skin tightening. Rinse with a warm wet washcloth and apply toner when dry.
Top Anti-Aging Products Under $10: Beat the Clock
This highly affordable way to beat the clock is a great way to maintain your physical appearance and hold onto your youthful exterior. Thanks again to Laura Du Priest for all of these wonderful beauty secrets. If you would like to know more beauty secrets I urge you to check out her book “Natural Beauty” for other home spa care recipes for under $10. She has made it her life’s work, even though she herself owns a spa/salon, to make sure that beauty products like these can be affordable in every home. Looking young and beautiful should not only pertain to people with lots of money to spend on themselves but instead for anyone wishing to achieve it.