Top Discount Stores in Martinsville, Indiana

Since Martinsville is a small town with a small town atmosphere and a homegrown approach to life, the modern version of the five and dime and general store has become a staple in our community, offering down-to-earth prices in the form of multiple discount stores. Not to be confused with the department store, the discount store offers items for the home, housekeeping basics, clothing, and sometimes even food at a price that is reasonable for a middle class family to afford. The top discount stores in Martinsville are Dollar General, K-Mart, the giant Walmart, and Family Dollar. I have shopped in every one of these stores, and they all have their charm and reasons for being top. Some unfortunately have controversy as well, but they are still where Martinsville goes to shop.

Dollar General is the middle class family’s friend. From great prices in pantry style grocery items to cheap dish detergent and essentials, Dollar General shopping is an excellent way to stretch your budget, especially since gas prices are so high right now. Dollar General is well known as a traditional neighborhood general store. They carry basic items, gifts, and even a few groceries at prices that keep customers very happy. The employees have always been very friendly to me, and the fact that it’s a small store that has survived Wal-Mart’s push practices, Dollar General is one of my absolute favorites.

Dollar General was founded in 1939 as a simple store to sell the basics. Now, Dollar General is a thriving Fortune 500 company boasting more than 8,000 stores. Holding with tradition, at least 30% of all items in every Dollar General are priced at $1 or less, including great stickers, cereal, dishes, and coloring books. The stores are very small, but well-planned. The one in Martinsville isn’t the cleanest store in the world, but it’s a nice way to make sure you stay in budget, and the atmosphere is very friendly. Dollar General Martinsville (302) is located in the Morton Square Shopping Center (near the old K-mart building) at 205 Morton Avenue, Martinsville, IN 46151 (765) 349-0574.

Kmart has had its share of ups and downs in recent years, including a bankruptcy. Located in the old Danner’s plaza next to McDonalds, Kmart is a respected community staple offering nice clothing, electronics, toys, garden items, groceries, household goods, makeup, and everything in between. Our Kmart is not a Super Kmart, which means it is very basic. Due to its lack of growth, Kmart has had difficulty in the past competing with Wal-Mart. But the quality of their goods is why I find Kmart to be one of Martinsville’s top discount stores. It is my preferred Christmas shopping venue. Some of the employees are very friendly. A couple are kind of stand off-ish.

Kmart was started in 1899 by a man named Sebastian Spering Kresge as a five and dime. Currently, there are over 1500 Kmart stores nationwide in several diverse communities. Today, there is even an online Kmart store where you can order items online instead of having to go to a store. Kmart is known for its traditional blue light special, a fact that has been mocked in comedy satire, but the blue light special usually offers deep discounts that shoppers seldom decide to miss. I have actually found gift items there on sale under a dollar and stocked them for quick unexpected gifts. Our Kmart is located at 2020 Burton Lane, Martinsville, IN 46151 (765) 349-1867.

Wal-Mart is the giant of the discount store industry, and while I’m reluctant to name it as one of Martinsville’s top discount stores for fear of offending an opponent to this retail gargantuan, the facts must be accepted that Wal-Mart is one of the best ways to save money. If you are looking for a one-stop discount store, Wal-Mart is number one.

Established in 1962 by historical Sam Walton, Wal-Mart has grown to over 3,000 stores and Super Centers nationwide. The supermarket offers any grocery item you could desire. They have a pharmacy and even a bank. They also have a gas station attached to their enormous parking lot, so you can enjoy literally one-stop shopping at our local Wal-Mart. If you need glasses, you can even get an appointment with their optometrist. Hungry for a snack? Our Wal-Mart has its own in-house McDonalds, replacing the standard snack bar. Also included in our Wal-Mart is a small arcade, a photography studio, a deli, and of course the discount portion of the store selling anything from plants to pet food. Employees vary from excellent to apathetic.

Wal-Mart critics note that Wal-Mart is no longer USA manufacturer friendly, keeps employees poor, and damages communities by destroying the mom and pop shops that keep America Capitalist. In addition, the health care offered to Wal-Mart employees is reportedly sub-standard, and benefits are sad. I noticed Wal-Mart was very unscrupulous when it came to following building demands of our community, having to be reminded of safety commitments and criticized for failures to comply with county recommendations. Our Wal-Mart (1356) is located at 410 Grand Valley Blvd, Martinsville, IN 46151 (765) 342-3786.

Family Dollar now occupies the space once owned by Schwab’s IGA. It is one of the best places to buy a cheap gift. Though the building is set up strangely and feels back wards, the store itself is a lot of fun. Many of the items sold at Family Dollar are junk, but you can get a great deal on snacks, dishes, and household necessities as well as clothes and a small display with a few shoes.

Family Dollar was established by Lon Levine in 1959 as a quick stop for no frills merchandise. They don’t take credit cards. They are located at 211 East Morgan Street, just off the square in Martinsville (765) 342-6758. They pride themselves on fitting great items in a small space. For this store, convenience and simplicity is key. Employees are great, but there are not very many to talk to when you need assistance.

Whether you are looking for a full-service store or a simple homegrown shop, Martinsville has some great discount stores for you to visit.

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