Top Exercise Program: Curves for Women

There is a background music, of course (peppy tunes from the 50-s to the 90’s) and the staff memebers are casually friendly, moving around the circle to chat and say hi. Sometimes they play a game with the gorup, such as “family Feud” or read trivia. Sometimes we have little games like bowling or corn holing. Different days of the week have different games.There are prizes each week. I got hooked when I won a pair of socks the first month! It sounds silly, but it makes it a little more fun, and make it just alittle easier to get there three times a week. Also, it helps with the boredom factor. After a while, you see familiar faces at your usual exercise times, and it feels like a club.
In additon to making people feel good by exercising and losing inches and pounds, the Curves locations also sponsor small benefits that members are encouraged to take part in. Such as bringin a toy at Christmas, or some treats fo rth e firemen during Fire Prevention week, or canned goods for a food drive. All participation qualifies you for another prize! And make syou feel involved.
If you travel a lot, you can take your Curves membership with you, via a travel pass that is good for any Curves location. And they are everywhere! I’ve been to Curves at Hanover, New Hampshire, Pittsburgh, Dallas, and last summer on a trip to Maine I was amused to learn that in Maine they played family feud in teams of “locals” and “tourists.”
Most motivating, though, is feeling yourself gain in strength and flexibility, seeing gradual changes in measurements and weight, and seeing people start to look different as they continue to work out. Curves emphasizes flexibility as well as strength and cardio, to members are encourage to do a stretching routine before they leave.
As with any exercise program, the “same old” syndrome starts to set in. But twice a year we have a month-long challenge, with a theme such as Around the World ” and little airplanes on the bulletin board to fly from spot to spot as you complete each week’s workouts. It works. Who wants to see theri plane stranded behind everyone else? You’d have to go there , at least to take it off the bulletin board!
in the last year, I’ve had 130 workouts at Curves. More than any other year, anyother place.