Top Five College Blogs: Blogs for the Average College Gal

However, there seems to be a lack of something in the blog-o-sphere, and that is college blogs. Where are all the blogs about late-night ramen noodle cram fests and freaking out (not to mention breaking out!) over finals? Where are all the posts about how to find the perfect pair of pumps, jeans and pretty frilly top for a night out on the town with the girls without putting an enormous dent in our wallets? I decided to take matters into my own hands and find the top five blogs that cover all aspects of university chic (and cheap), from dorm room deco to cute-sy thrift store finds to the latest and most luxurious in all that is college.
1.TeenFashionista (
Even though she is just an incoming college freshman, Miss Casey has been writing about fashion and the like since she was a budding pre-teen ashionista. She has since been blogging her way through high school – and soon college! – with style. Casey blogs about all aspects of young adult pop culture, from blogging ecstatic about new fashion ventures {think PAUL + JOE at Target, although she was significantly disappointed in the quality of many of the too-cheap-to-be-true duds) and more recently, her excitement about moving away to college in a rural town (while still attempting to maintain her style of course!)
2.The College Wardrobe (
With help from, this little pretty corner of the web is brought to you by three other self-proclaimed college fashionistas. The site is fairly new, but looks very promising, with blogs catered specifically to the college girl with lots of style but little cash! The College Wardrobe has also partnered up with other style-savvy sites, like What Celebs for sweepstakes and other giveaways. What college girl doesn’t love free stuff?
3.College Candy (
College Candy serves up a new, fresh short read every day, viewable both on their website or as a tasty little treat in your e-box (think DailyCandy, catered to college students!). Every day the topic fits into one of the five categories, “Ask Ryan”, “Love & Sex”, “Mind & Body”, “Beauty & Style”, or “Reality”. College Candy isn’t afraid to go anywhere – especially when it comes to sex, because, come on, college is the time to experiment! From articles about Exotic Strip tease tapes as a way to get fit and spice up your love life, to deeper issues like rape on campus, College Candy has you covered in every aspect of your university life.
4.The Ivy (
Another hot blog for college women who want to be stylish on the dime. Jamie, webmistresses and editor of this magazine-style blog shares her own campus style experiences, from in the dorm to on out the streets! Although some of the items featured can be a bit price-y, this site is definitely worth a glimpse.
5. Pink Pedicure (
Following in the footsteps of both College and Daily Candy, this daily mini-mag dishes up a cute new product or trend every day of the week. Always affordable and unique, Pink Pedicure is for the average gal, with the average paycheck. The latest dailies include short product editorials about Collision Sunglasses Cases (which for a mere $15, are an obvious steal) and UnSweetenedNYC tees, bags and even boy shorts for around 30 bucks. Sign up and you’ll never miss a fab new item again!
College blogs are still one in a million, but here’s somewhere to start. And hey, while you’re checking out the rad blogs listed here, why don’t you start your own over at Just a thought.