Top Handbags for Plus Sized Women Under $50

The key to choosing the right handbag for a plus sized frame is scale. Remember, plus sized figures actually look bigger when accessorized with dainty jewelry and tiny handbags. So choose a handbag with substantial presence – one that makes a statement.

Don’t worry about matching your handbag to your shoes. And don’t think plus sized women can’t get away with a bold print. Handbags are exactly the place to experiment with cheetah, leopard or floral patterns, because the handbag merely serves as an accent to your outfit.

Now, some of you are thinking you can’t afford those large and lovely Kenneth Cole designer handbags. Most of us can’t! But that doesn’t mean plus sized women should settle for a plain black handbag from Wal-Mart. (In fact, it’s this writer’s opinion that you shouldn’t settle for a plain anything from Wal-Mart!)

Plenty of beautiful handbag options for plus sized women won’t break the budget. Here are some of your top choices.

1.Sag Harbor’s Valentine Tote. This beautifully designed handbag comes in a variety of eye-popping colors. Sag Harbor’s Valentine handbag is both trendy and work appropriate. The buttery leather screams “rich” and the bag is roomy enough to use as a briefcase in a pinch. Best of all, the straps have a drop of 11.5 inches, generously proportioned for any plus sized woman. The inside of the handbag is all class, with a zippered compartment for keys, cards, cell phones and eye glasses. At $29, buy this handbag in as many colors as you can afford, including animal suede and spring stripe.

2.Del Mano Silky Tapestry Hobo. Add a little glamour to your wardrobe with this sophisticated embroidered handbag. The Del Mano tapestry hobo manages to capitalize on the glitzy sequin trend without looking like a cookie-cutter copy of every other teenaged slouch on the market. This handbag sparkles in a womanly way, and comes in a variety of unusual and easy to coordinate colors. It looks like a million bucks, but will cost you less than $30.

3.Isaac Mizrahi Red Patch Tote. Plus sized women shouldn’t discount Target as a source of stylish accessories and handbags. Since pairing with Isaac Mizrahi, the Target chain has churned out affordable designer knock-off handbags like this one, sure to turn heads. The rich color and patterned faux leather will make the plus sized woman look polished whatever she wears. And the price can’t be beat.

4.The Python Hobo Handbag. If you must have a no-frills black handbag, consider this chic hobo from the Avenue while it’s still on sale for under $20. The Avenue understands that plus sized women need more room under the arm, and makes handles with a generous drop from the shoulder to the top of the bag. Thus, in addition to being fashion forward, this handbag is extremely roomy and functional.

5.Catherine’s Mixed Media Handbag. Well-proportioned for the plus sized body and crammed with clever detailing, this is a classic purse that will never go out of style. Catherine’s ought to offer this in more exciting colors than camel, but the sectioned compartments detachable keychain is a nice touch, and the flap closure will help keep your belongings from spilling out if you happen to drop your handbag.

6.Liz Claiborne Handbags Great Expectations Floral Tote. One would be hard pressed to find a flirtier summer handbag with richer details than Liz Claiborn’s floral tote. Beautiful croc edging paired with a floral tapestry is an unexpected, but refreshing combination that can add youthfulness to your plus sized wardrobe. The high price-tag and the shorter handles are, however, drawbacks to keep in mind.

So go ahead. Shop for handbags with Kenneth Cole tastes, on a Wal-Mart budget. Armed with this list of top handbags, you can transform your plus sized wardrobe into something truly special.

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