Top Health Food Stores in St. Louis, Missouri

Whole Foods Market 1601 South Brentwood (314) 968-7744 The largest of the health food stores in St. Louis, Whole Foods tries to bring an all-inclusive shopping experience to its customers. They have a full-service bakery offering hearth baked breads and delicious pastries. Seafood is shipped from their own wharf and arrives at the store within 24 hours. All of the meats and poultry are free of hormones and growth stimulants. All of the produce is, of course, organically grown, some of it coming from local sources. The natural foods industry has expanded to include not only all of the food categories, but also nutritional supplements, cleaning products, and even pet foods. If you’re looking for selection, then this is the place to go.
Wild Oats 8823 Ladue Road (314) 721-8004 Though not as large as Whole Foods, Wild Oats was the first “mega” health food store in the St. Louis area. They have a full service natural food supermarket featuring over 200 organic produce items daily. They claim that all of their products are now 100% trans-fat free. Check out their organic juice and coffee bar, or have lunch in their deli. The deli features new “corn-tainers” instead of plastic. The corn is biodegradable and better for the environment. Wild Oats carries the largest selection of vitamins and supplements in the area and I have found that they are very knowledgeable about all of the latest trends. They also offer free lectures and cooking classes in the cafÃ?©. Calendars of these events are available at the store.
Natural Way 8110 Big Bend (314) 961-3541 Natural Way is more like an old fashioned health food store with wooden floors and a small grocery and produce department. The staff is very friendly and knowledgeable here. They have a large selection of vitamins and supplements, some of which aren’t available at the giant places. I am also impressed with the large selection of books and educational materials that they have.