Top Paid Survey Sites that Really Pay

And Why You Never Received That IPod!” and/or “How To Legitimately Make Money Taking Online Surveys- Tips and Tricks to Make Your Online Survey Panel Membership Run More Smoothly”)
If you have read the prequel article to this one, you already understand the overall basics of paid survey sites, what they are, why the exist, what they pay and what they want from you. Now that you have an overview, you are now ready to successfully sign up for various web survey panels. Following is a comprehensive list of all of the survey sites I have used and enjoyed. The list, being carefully narrowed down to include only those sites from which I have received a substantial incentive, contains links from all over the web to market research companies looking to reward you for your consumer or professional opinion. This is not a full listing, as there are many many more supposed “Paid” survey sites out there but again, these here are listed because I have physically witnessed the prize merchandise or cash reward.
Test Spin Survey invites come always in the form of email solicitation sand they nearly always offer a cash incentive. I’ve gotten anywhere from a buck to $15 for a single Test Spin survey, the money which goes into a Test Spin account you’ve signed up for and is redeemable for cash once you’ve reached a fairly low payout minimum. These surveys are plentiful and are offered quite often, but they feature very specific topics and are hard to qualify for. It is not uncommon to find a lot of available Test Spin surveys offered to strictly males or a particular age group or ethnicity. The good ting is, under your panel member account, contact info and email address, you can have the responses of a friend or family member that does match the profiles dictated to you by the appropriate person and if you fill out the survey on their behalf, you get credit. Just make sure for everything except for the long forms seeking your name, address info and where to send your money, you remember who the survey profiles matched with and check off their gender, age, etc info for them and not yourself. If you forget to do this, you’ll disqualify for the incentive.
This website is a market research paid survey classic. Consistent in its heavy activity it seems as though this is a portal to many surveys for all types of profiles and ones that come and go in what often seems like a day or two. The site and open survey list (usually there are about 10 available surveys) are obviously updated regularly. These are some of the best opportunities on the web, for if you qualify, or are answering on behalf of someone who does, you are guaranteed to make between $1-5, the exact amount which you will know ahead of time. Like Test Spin these are often for very specific demographics with a particular tendency to solicit survey takers in certain US cities, but chances are you know someone that lives in these zip codes and can answer for them to get some extra cash. Check in with website often to see open survey listing as I do not think Greenfield Online sends email alerts to members any longer.
The JD Power Panel is consumer research company who offers incentives by the way of Amazon Gift Certificates and occasionally, cash, for completing surveys. While the surveys do not come to your mailbox all that frequently, the opportunities that do come are fairly easy to qualify for, offer many points (which add up to redeem for certificates) and are not all that long.
Harris Interactive is a very active survey panel that gives loads of points (usually a minimum of 30) that are referred to as HL Points. The surveys tend to be diverse in nature, broad in scope, but are overall more fun it seems than those from many of the other companies. Depending on your answers you may fly through a survey in ten minutes or find yourself sharing your opinion for up to thirty, but I definitely would say that the time is by all means worth it with Harris Interactive. Once the points add up you can select merchandise such as electronic equipment and accessories, DVDs, CD cases, and plenty more. Once you get your password for this panel, be sure to write it down in a spot you’ll remember, too because it is randomly generated and usually something that you will be likely to forget, having not been the one choosing it.
E-Rewards is one killer way to earn quality gift certificates to an array of diverse and highly desirable retail outlets, online stores and extremely fast too! It seems that once you show interest in taking these very brief (with large incentives) surveys, the people at E-Rewards get excited and send you a whole bunch more all at once. If you stop filling them out for a while though, you know, suppose you get a life temporarily or something, you should note that the emails from E-Rewards might start to dwindle. This intuitive nature of the site might be my imagination but I somehow do not think so. Either way, I’ve exchanged over $300 in E-Reward Money for gift certificates to an Electronics Store, Months and months of freebies at Blockbuster and just recently, I took advantage of their latest incentive, a very generous amount of Dividend Frequent Flyer Miles for US Airways, one of my favorite names in fly friendly transportation. This site offers plentiful, quality rewards for very little effort. Just be sure when they ask you what you are interested in for your basic original profile you check off everything. That way you will get all the opportunities you possibly can to earn rewards.
NFO, My Survey market research panel is great fun, and definitely a wise use of your time and mine. I recommend jumping to take advantage of every survey offered to you before it closes because the 10+ pints for each one add up extremely quickly and you only need approximately 1000 points or so to cash out $10. (Through a check in the mail, I’ve received over $90 over time). The surveys are very short and take an average of ten minutes or less to complete. Even better, if your answers qualify you to take a longer version of the questionnaire, they will offer additional (usually a lot of) points for you to proceed and only request your opinion if you so give them this extended survey go ahead. This panel now has a little application you can download to your computer (harmless) that enables a little window and doorbell sound to pop up and ding! On your desktop the very moment a new survey for your demographic profile is available. This way you can take full advantage. I do recommend utilizing this feature, because, again, this site will most certainly, if even only gradually, bring in a decent amount of supplementary pocket change “flow”.
Your 2 Cents
Your 2 Cents has opportunities to take surveys, at least for my specific profile, probably about every other month or less. That is, ones that pays. A very colorful and creatively designed website makes it easy to view your survey stats. Surveys can pay as low as a dollar and from what I’ve seen, as high as $16 The surveys usually stay active a while but best bet to jump to it quick after receiving alerts so you don’t miss out. Reward is US Dollars in Check form mailed through the USPS to your humble abode.
Survey Savvy has been around a long time in the market research community and is one of the major sites dealing with consumer panels and paid survey market research studies. They offer surveys, on and off, with no real pattern except that like many of the others I’ve mentioned, several seem to come in one week and then you might go a month with no survey invitations. These pay cash through a mailed check, once again courtesy of the USPS. The payments vary in the range from $0 to $10, typically. The surveys are also usually fairly interesting.