Top Product Review:Classic Movies on VHS for Under $30

I have been a fan of classic films since the age of 8, when I used to watch the old movies that came on television on the late show on Saturday nights. I have bought every book I could find on classic films and purposed in my mind to be able to locate and purchase as many of them as possible. I have always found classic films to be superior in quality to what passes itself off nowadays as “cinema.”

What I wanted was to find a viable place to locate the best movies for the lowest prices at a place online that was convenient to shop and had enough choices to satisfy me.

Happily, I found it. is a virtual “Mecca” for us classic film enthusiasts, as it offers a number of movie categories, including some silent movies. Silent movies are sometimes difficult to find and I was extremely pleased that carries a large and varied selection of them, enough to pique the interest of any serious collector of such movies. To give an example of what they have, there is a series they carry entitled, “The Movies Begin,” in five volumes, each priced for just $23.70. This series covers the very earliest films ever made,.early innovators, directors and stars. also sells film collections of such notable silent comedians as Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, Harold Lloyd and the long-forgotten Roscoe “Fatty Arbuckle.

Silent films such as the original 1920 “Mark of Zorro,” starring silent legend Douglas Fairbanks, “My Best Girl” with Mary Pickford, “The Big Parade” and other films starring John Gilbert, the excellent “The Wind” with Lillian Gish, “Wings” with the wonderful Clara Bow and the much underrated “The Crowd,” are just some of what has available, for less than $30, most prices lower than $10 if you order a used copy.

To my absolute delight, has silent film collections featuring the incomparable Greta Garbo, including “Kiss,” “Woman of Affairs” and “Flesh and the Devil,” which I have added to my personal VHS collection. Several of her top sound movies, among them “Camille” and “Ninotchka” are available on as well, everything for less than $30.

Far too many people are unaware of the history of films, especially during the silent period. So many great people laid the foundation for the modern movie industry, but have never received their just respect, largely because the majority of folks just have never heard of them. Silent films give us a look at how culture, customs,morals, fashion and attitudes were in another time period. I’ve always found it fascinating to watch these “golden oldies” and compare their viewpoint of the world to ours today.

Later classic films of the 30’s, 40’s, 50’s and 60’s are sold at as well, all far under $30. I have been able to find many of my favorite films of the classic film era on, such as “Lost Horizon,” “Double Indemnity,”Casablanca,” “Some Like It Hot,” “Singin’ In the Rain,” “Gone With the Wind,” “Dodsworth,”all the M-G-M musicals, Ernst Lubitsch’ films every Bette Davis movie ever made and a list far too numerous to name here.

Since there are members who are also sellers who offer their used copies of VHS films, you can buy classic films for bargain basement prices, some well below $10 and I have even seen some offered at less than $5, but I personally would be a little squeamish about purchasing anything that low, out of concern that the quality of a second hand film would be questionable. That’s just my own hangup, however.

I am a collector of films on VHS and is the only site I go to when I want to expand my movie library.

For me and any other person who is a lover of classic movies and champions anything that keeps them available for historical, as well as enjoyment purposes, is the place to buy top classic films for less than $30. Best of all, it’s easy to do, which is a big choice for why I choose to shop online. Unlike going to some mall video store. there is no crowd of noisy people around and I don’t have to end up getting frustrated because some gum-chewing, juvenile store clerk hasn’t the foggiest idea of what a classic movie is.

I have never had a bad experience with and my orders got to me within 5-7 days.

So, to all my fellow film buffs, I enthusiastically suggest that you visit’s movie section, if you have never done so.
It is well worth your time.

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