Top Ten Baby Shower Gifts

1) First Aid Ki – Make sure if you don’t get this gift at your baby shower, you purchase it yourself. It’s important to have a separate health kit for just baby that you can access easily in case he or she gets sick. It should include at least one thermomether, liquilyte to replenish fluids, baby tylenol, baby bandaids, and items to clean minor cuts and scratches. You would be surprised how often some of them break skin with their own finger nails.
2) Baby Monitor / Pacifiers – You can let your mind stay at ease while you attempt to get some sleep at night knowing that if the baby wakes up you will most definitely wake up. It is also particularly convenient while he or she naps during the day if you have a big house and you won’t have to keeping checking on him or her if you would like to watch tv, vacuum or do some other activity. The pacifiers are also wonderful gifts because they often help babies fall asleep and stay soothed. Register for several different sizes since your baby will outgrow them quickly. The best kind to get is the ones recommended by dentists to help prevent problems with the way their teeth grow in. They are usually marked on the package, or you can ask your dentist or the customer service representative at Baby’s R Us for advice on choosing the best pacifier.
3) Bath Tub and Hygeine Products – Initially, it would be more comfortable to bathe your baby in the kitchen sink in a special baby tub. These are commonly used for infants. I would also suggest registering for a combined wash/shampoo in one that is tear free. This way you won’t have to use two products when bathing him or her. You’ll need lots of soft wash cloths, and the special baby towels they sell that have the “head piece” on them are adorable.
4) Diaper Champ – This is a great gift that gives you a specific place to put dirty diapers. The trash will get gross and stinky fast if you mix the baby’s diapers in. Using a Diaper Champs is a safe and sanitary way to dispose of dirty diapers. It is also very easy to use compared to the Diaper Genie.
5) Diaper Bag – You’ll definitely need a diaper bag so you can go out and visit relatives, friends, or just spend a day out at the park, or mall. I would suggest requesting two as gifts, one for yourself and one for your spouse. This way you can keep each stocked and ready to go in your separate cars. Make sure you put in a burp cloth, diapers, wipes, baby powder, a change of clothes, pacifier, blanket and perhaps a travelling toy. And of course the bottle, but you won’t be able to keep one of those in there ALL the time.
6) Car Seat – If you’re traveling with baby you’ll need to keep him or her safe. A car seat is a definite requirement that you will need to get at some point. This may also offer a way to help get your little one to sleep. Most babies knock right out in the car when you drive, especially the new borns. They enjoy the movement and find it soothing, which is similar to rocking them to sleep.
7) Car Seat Bases – You’ll most likely need two car seat bases; one for yourself and one for your spouse. The car seat can be moved easily from car to car when you use these bases. They get strapped in securely to the seat, and the car seat then locks into the base preventing. This design prevents the car seat from moving around in the car. The best place to put a base is in the middle back seat, and always remember newborn car seats are supposed to face backwards for safety reasons until they reach a certain weight.
8) Bouncer – This is a great way to keep your baby entertained, and it’s often times safe enough for newborns to use. Keep the baby strapped in, and use some of the features that many bouncers come with such as the “vibrate” function which gives him or her a nice massage, or turn on the music/light function. Not all bouncers have these bells and whistles, but the ones that do are great to keep your baby interested for at least a short time. They should become more interested as they become more alert and get older, so it can be used for a quite a while.
9) A Boppy and Boppy Covers – If your breast feeding this will offer a very comfortable and convenient way to hold and nurse your newborn. If not, many baby’s also love to lie in them, and they make excellent props to put under your arm while your holding your little one since they can get heavy after a little while.
10) A Swing – This probably isn’t something your baby will be able to use right away, but they will come in very handy later on when he or she can hold the head up straight. If you can’t afford a high chair right away, it makes a great temporary substitute when you start on first foods such as rice cereal and apple sauce. It is also something baby’s can find enjoyment in, and he or she can keep you company while you eat or do the dishes without having to lie on their backs, or be put in the crib so you can do what you need to do.