Top Ten Blogs About American Politics

Top ten blogs about American politics, for me, are the ones which present the dark alleys of power, the shady deals and the hot news in a way a lay person can understand. As I grew up outside , the ins and outs of the
politics are something new for me. Not having luxury of listening to my father or mother talk about the Regan area or my grandmother talk about JFK I used the blogs to broaden my understanding.

While most of the blogs listed here, as far as my knowledge goes, are not the official top ten blogs on politics, I believe that they have quality content and deserve praise. By official I mean, the list realized by major newspapers or the websites.

So lets is one of the talked about blogs on politics. I came across the blog while going through the Washington Post. com’s 2004 Best Blogs Politics and Elections list. Even after the elections frenzy died down with a disappointing result for some,’s writing quality didn’t slide. The blog is creation of Glenn Reynolds, a law professor at the


. In spite of being a conservative blog, is not “in your face” type, which makes it a good a reading even for liberals. is by Joshua Micah Marshall. This blog has mostly short comments on recent developments. You don’t have to be a
pundit to understand them.
‘s way of explaining things in simple way is what attracted me to this blog. And by the way this is a liberal blog., a clear and sharp conservative blog is something you would want to read after looking at the Democrats getting all confused and don’t make any sense. I like the way bitheads criticizes the Democrats, in an intelligent, respectful and satirical way. Not advisable for Hillary Clinton fans or the anti-war people.

Michelle Malkin is someone I try to avoid reading. The way she makes cheap and insensitive comments against minorities and immigrants makes me not read her blog but I do read it because she writes very well and presents her view passionately. I follow her blog to understand what the so called “holier than thou” camp of Americans think about immigrants, minorities and the ongoing war in , and
Middle East
. Don’t read this blog if you can’t stand the way she somehow manages to make the liberals responsible for everything going wrong in . Here is the blog link:
is a part of National Review Online. Bloggers don’t seem passionate to me, their commentaries are kind of safe and matter of fact. A good read if you enjoy straight talk. And frankly I don’t know if it a liberal or a conservative blog., as the name says it, is a moderate blog. It has good analysis of the issues and has links to major news and happenings. You can count on this blog to say good words about the democrats or the republicans if they do something good but criticism for goof-ups is not held back for those who deserve it. A balanced blog, good read if you want to look both sides. is Andrew Sullivan’s blog within Non -aligned, a journalistic blog, daily_dish has healthy dose of politics, culture and foreign affairs. is a fairly balanced blog. With the recent events in the
Middle East
, you will see more comments on foreign affairs. Even appears after the rumors that the island may be finally freed from Castro’s clutch. is run by a political science professor. Although it is a conservative blog, comments are fairly balance and present both sides.

Last but not the least, is my favorite. The blog covers variety of matters and is balanced as both conservative and liberal’s commentary is presented. Must read if you want to stay updated about
or about .

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