Top Ten Blogs About Maryland Politics

  1. The Maryland Moment. The Maryland Moment is a blog of news and notes on Maryland politics run by It’s a neutral political blog in terms of ideology or party, and highly informative. They break stories earlier than most of the other political blogs in the state, and keep the format newsy. If you want to know what’s going on in Maryland politics today is, the Maryland Moment blog is the place to look.
  2. Pillage Idiot. In the blogosphere, the political left has long enjoyed the advantage, and conservatives are only beginning to catch up in terms of volume and personality. Maryland does not seem to be an exception to that trend, but the Pillage Idiot seems poised to reverse it. On one side of the blog is color-coded mock up of the terror alert chart, which rates his posts from “immature” to “infantile.” Writing with a distinct and playful voice, this conservative Maryland political blog is sure to entertain.
  3. Monoblogue. This blog about Maryland politics is located in Salisbury, and that’s a good thing. In any discussion of Maryland politics, the Eastern Shore tends to be neglected. Monoblogue attempts to pick up the slack. Unusual for conservative commentary, the tone of this blog tends to be wonky. There’s a slew of useful links on the right hand side, and it’s filled with content. A handy resource for those looking to learn more about Maryland politics.
  4. Like Kryptonite to Stupid. Oliver Willis is perhaps the most famous Maryland blogger from the left, having earned national fame for both his commentary on the Huffington Post and his ongoing Democratic branding campaign. Willis is known as a “liberal bomb thrower” for his aggressive rhetoric and his take-no-prisoners style commentary on politics. He brings to his blog his perspective as an African American, as well as a Marylander, and the result is never boring.
  5. Free State Politics. This blog is more of a consortium of left-leaning bloggers, and deals exclusively with Maryland politics. With a variety of contributors, the Free State Politics blog has no unifying voice or theme to speak of, but it serves as a central clearinghouse for conversation amongst liberal, progressive and Democratic activists in the state of Maryland. The blog has a large audience and aggressive leadership. One would not be surprised to see Free State Politics become the most preeminent blog in Maryland politics today.
  6. Crablaw’s Maryland Weekly. When you first click on the site, you may think you’ve landed on one of those internet redirectors with a million links, advertisements and icons. But don’t let the clutter fool you. Bruce Godfrey is as dedicated a blogger as they come, with a sense of fairness and a centrist voice. In another era he would have been known as a moderate. In today’s polarized political climate, his positions lean left. Crablaw’s Maryland Weekly is informative, educated, and energetic. It provides a great starting point for any number of conversations about Maryland politics, and deserves an even wider audience.
  7. Maryland Politics Watch. Written by Professor David Lublin of American University, Maryland Politics Watch has an academic style, and raises important issues and concerns. The tone is well-measured and the information is always thought provoking. It is less of a partisan sword-fight than some might wish it to be, and more of a scholarly exploration of Maryland politics by a political scientist.
  8. Political Yak. Written by Russ Louch, a self-described, “radical moderate”, this blog covers Maryland politics from the vantage point of Montgomery County. He has a nicely calibrated style; he poses questions more than he answers them. And he has a good sense of the big picture when it comes to Maryland politics.
  9. The League Reassembled. There is something sort of artsy and surreal about this blog on Maryland politics. The Baltimore based blog speaks in the royal “we” and takes an aggressive stance on politics. They don’t “endorse” people per se. They “tell you how to vote”. The League Reassembled is funny, smart, and uniquely in tune with concerns of Maryland in general, and Baltimore in particular.
  10. Jousting for Justice. And no survey of Maryland political blogs would be complete without mention of my own. Jousting for Justice is a passionate, partisan, Democratic blog about Maryland politics. Polls, political profiles and persuasive essays are the order of the day. Jousting for Justice has available more community building tools than other blogs about Maryland politics. For example, because the site uses threaded comments and automatically emails you if anyone replies to your remarks, it’s most effective when it comes to engaging readers in an ongoing discussion. If you want to talk and not just listen, Jousting for Justice is the blog for you.

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