Top Ten Blogs About Writing and Publishing

New authors are often put off by the seemingly endless mysteries of the publishing industry. The following bloggers shed some light on what can be a very dark and frightening world. Here are the top ten blogs about writing and publishing.

1. The funniest, most entertaining, and probably most informative blogger on the internet today is Miss Snark, who can be found at Miss Snark is the alter ego of a New York City literary agent, and if her insight into the publishing industry is any indication, a damn good one at that. Miss Snark takes on all comers, from innocent newbies with questions about query letters to nitwits looking to put percentages on agents’ sales so that they can determine whether their book has an 18.7776% chance of being sold. To have your question answered on her blog, simply email her, and whether you’re a nitwit or not, you’ll probably find both question and answer there the next day. Miss Snark boasts over 3,000 hits a day. If you can’t find what you’re looking for on the Home Page, visit her Snarchives. We don’t know who she really is, but here are some hints if you’re looking for her on the streets of Manhattan. She has a poodle called Killer Yapp, who eats cats. She drinks moonshine and is obsessed with George Clooney. She dislikes nitwits and most recently the triple digit heat. Oh yeah, and she’s very, very snarky.

2. Looking for something a bit darker, more befitting the cruel world of publishing? Then visit the Evil Editor at Okay, so he’s not that evil, unless you ask him to critique (tear apart) your attempt at a query letter. Then, the fangs come out. This is a great blog for writers looking to query agents or small presses. There’s a ton of valuable information. And once you realize how evil editors can be, you won’t be as mortified when the rejections start rolling in.

3. Want something a bit nicer, sweeter, friendlier even? Then check out Kristen Nelson at Agent Kristen is a self-proclaimed “very nice literary agent” who “indulges in polite rants about queries, writers, and the publishing industry.” Although Agent Kristen could be a little sweet for your taste, her blog is very informative, and her chatty style can make you feel as if you’re having a relaxing conversation with your best friend over the phone. Oh yeah, and Kristen knows her stuff.

4. Want to talk sales? Numbers? Publishing? Agenting? And have a chance to win some free stuff? Then check out the blog by the Knight Agency. Found at, the Knight Agency doesn’t update daily, but it does boast as its constributors several reputable agents. It also has some great links to other websites and blogs.

5. Covering a wide range of topics, from Writers Conferences to Small Presses to Firing an Agent, Jennifer Jackson’s blog is extremely useful. This agent’s blog can be found at She blogs about current and classic books, trends and markets, and about the type of day she’s having. Definitely a fun visit.

6. Looking for some humor and current events with your morning coffee and your publishing info? Then check out The Man in Black. No, not Johnny Cash (he’s dead), but Jason Pinter at Jason lives in New York City and works as a book editor and writer. His first novel, THE MARK, comes out in July 2007 from MIRA Books. The next two novels in the Henry Parker series will be released in 2008. Stop by and see what he has to say.

7. Next up: Anna Louise at She’s quirky and funny: “I love plagues. I mean, not, you know, in real life – but I love them in fiction.” And she is very knowledgeable, a terrific bogging editor.

8. Agent 007 tells it like it is at Just not very often of late. An editor-turned-agent, Agent 007 is a lot of fun to read, when there’s something to read. Maybe if Agent 007 gets some new hits from this article, we’ll see some updates.

9. Another literary agency that blogs is BookEnds, LLC. Found at, BookEnds’ blog is very easy on the eyes and as helpful as can be. From dealing with Rejections to Agent-Editor lunches, BookEnds hits all the right issues at all the right times.

10. Finally, A Gent’s Outlook, a literary agent who divulges the “truth” about the publishing industry. Agent Sammy K can be found at Beware: the “gent” can be misleading. Sammy throws more F Bombs than a drunken sailor on shore leave. And he doesn’t care for Miss Snark & Friends. But if you want another take on things, and a little excitement, A Gent’s Outlook is where you can find it.

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