Top Ten Gift Ideas for New Homeowners

When friends and relatives make the transition from renter to homeowner, the Holidays are the perfect time to purchase gifts they can use to maintain and personalize their new home. New homeowners usually will need things they didn’t have if the rental property they lived in was maintained by the owner. Gifts that can be used year after year to keep up and personalize their home will be appreciated.

1. Lawn mowers are one tool a lot of former renters don’t have, but when spring comes, they will wish for one. A lot of the time, rental property is mowed by the owner, so new homeowners wouldn’t have one already, especially if they lived in an apartment complex where landscaping companies are usually hired to do all of the lawn care. Depending on the size of their lot, an inexpensive push mower might be perfect for the entire lawn. Lawn mowers are usually found quite cheap around December, so the Holidays are the perfect time for buying one.

2. Electric wine coolers are easy to find and not very expensive. Cost depends on size and design, and a small counter top sized wine cooler can be found at Home Depot for about $80. These come in handy for entertaining and Holiday gatherings. The wine cooler keeps wine cold until it’s ready to be served. Smaller wine coolers hold about six bottles, which would be appropriate for Holiday and New Years parties at home.

3. Now that the homeowner has a yard all their own, a badminton or volleyball set would come in handy for spring and summer months when outdoor gatherings such as cookouts will bring friends and family over. Badminton and volleyball sets are inexpensive and usually come together in one set. Two games for about $20 that the recipient can use over and over will definitely be a great investment.

4. Bar-B-Q grills are inexpensive during the winter months, and will make a great gift. It doesn’t have to be an elaborate gas grill with burners. Even a nice sized charcoal grill will be a welcome addition to the patio or deck when summer comes.

5. Personalized welcome mats are great. They can be ordered in many different sizes, colors, patterns, and materials. When ordering a personalized welcome mat, they can be done with the family’s first names, but try to stick with something simple like “The Smith’s.” Your friend or family member might not want their first names divulged to random passers by, and they are more likely to use it, the less there is printed on it.

6. A gift box with a group game like Mad Gab or DVD Clue accompanied by a few different types of wine and cheese will give the new homeowners a great excuse to invite family and friends over to their new home once they are all settled. A lot of new homeowners shy away from house warming parties, simply because it takes time to unpack, decorate, and get settled. Giving a gift they can use for a gathering later, after all the boxes are unpacked, and the drapes are up – will be appreciated.

7. A Febreze Scent Stories player will be something used over and over. The machine uses disks that have three scents on each one. Every 30 minutes the scent is changed to another one that compliments each other. There are seven different disks of three scents, including Holiday scents. The player is preset and shuts itself off, so it can even be left on while the occupants are away at work. This product can be found at any retailer that sells home scents, such as Wal-Mark, K-Mart, or Target stores.

8. If there are no out buildings on the property, several friends and family members can go in together on the gift of a storage shed. It doesn’t have to be an elaborate or large one. Just big enough to store things like seasonal decorative items, tools, and other things there may not be a place for in the house. Check with the homeowner first about rules pertaining to out buildings in their neighborhood, before deciding to purchase. Some subdivisions and neighborhoods have requirements such as, the storage shed would have to match the home in color or it can only be a certain size.

9. Hardwood floors are making a comeback in both older homes and new homes. If the homeowners have hardwood floors, purchasing them products to clean and protect them will be an excellent idea for a gift. Arranging the products in a cleaning caddy will allow the homeowner to also have a way to carry the products from room to room while cleaning. If the new homeowners have never had hardwood floors in the past, they will now know what types of products to use, and what is safe to maintain the life of their floors. Orange Glo makes the best products on the market that make even older hardwood look new.

10. A small fireproof safe or large fireproof lockbox will come in handy for storing their papers pertaining to their home and personal life. Mortgage papers, homeowner’s insurance, receipts from home repairs and improvements, jewelry, photos, momentos, or anything else they need protected will be safe should the house ever catch fire. Fireproof safes and lockboxes can be found online and at retail chains such as Wal-Mart.

Before deciding what gift to give a new homeowner, go to their home to visit and make sure they don’t already have things you may have in mind. Some new homeowners get giddy after the closing of their home purchase, and buy things for the new house they didn’t have previously. When selecting décor items, always keep in mind any particular colors and themes, and keep it simple.

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