Top Ten Gift Ideas for the Northwest Man

So what to get them for the holidays? Definitely not an umbrella. Any Northwest man that hasn’t just moved there from somewhere else wont touch one. So if you don’t want your man to look like a tourist, forgo the umbrella purchase.
Here is a list of ten great ideas for your Northwest man.
10.Coffee or coffee equipment. And not just any coffee, but a good bean that he can grind himself at home, or that has been recently ground and still has a lot of flavor. A good espresso machine is sure to be a favorite. The Northwest is known for its love of coffee. You can find them at any store that sells kitchen appliances.
9.A good microbrew. If he is a beer drinker he already knows that he lives in the region of the country that is home to the most microbrews. A good gift idea is one of the holiday packs that come up for sale in the fall that offer a sample of many different brews. check out for some good ideas.
8.snowboard or ski lessons. Depending on where he lives, he is close to one or more of the area snow resorts. Most of them offer free or reduced lessons and reduced lift prices for beginners. All equipment needed can be rented at the location. Or if you are really generous, get him a new snowboard. Just remember that like with most performance sports gear, you usually do get what you pay for, so don’t go too cheap. Check out for some ideas.
7.Hiking gear. There is not a more beautiful region anywhere to get outside and enjoy a mountain, beach, or desert hike. The varied climates and terrain offer almost unlimited options. If your man likes to walk, get him some good gear. Take a look at for some good info.
6.A mountain bike, There are so many mountain bike options in this area that it would be hard to live here and not want to get out and ride a bike from time to time. There are so many options for mountain bikes depending skill level and how much you want to spend, that some research would be required. Look at to learn more.
5.Ducks/Beavers or Huskies/Cougars gear. If your man loves college sports, than some school gear might be a good gift. If he lives in Oregon, than the University of Oregon Ducks or the Oregon State Beavers could be his team. If he lives in Washington, than either the University of Washington Huskies or the Washington State Cougars might be his favorite. Of course there are smaller colleges throughout the region that have good teams with good fan support, but these are the largest and most likely. Check the school websites for gift ideas.
4.Hunting or Fishing gear. If he likes hunting, fishing, or both, you can’t go wrong here. The only challenge would be to decide what to give him from all the different options. Check out northwesthunting,com or for ideas.
3.A really good book. The area is the most literate of the country, with the highest book sales of any region. So your man likes to read while setting by a fire on a rainy winter evening. So you might have to find something he hasn’t read. Look at any of the good book sites for ideas.
2.A charter fishing trip. If he likes fishing at all, or even if he just likes the idea of going to sea, you can’t go wrong by giving him a fishing trip on one of the many boats that go out after the big ones. And few things rival the taste of freshly caught salmon or tuna. For ideas look to or
1.And number one. A winter vacation to Mexico or Hawaii! Your Northwest man loves where he lives. But in the middle of the rainy season he would love to spend a week on a sunny beach! Look at any travel site for ideas for this one.
In closing, think about what your Northwest man does. Not every one of them loves the outdoors, so you might have to think of other ideas. But if he does, than he loves the options that the area offers and would welcome a gift that reflects his passions. Good luck!