Top Ten Songs by Aerosmith

It is impossible to discuss rock music without talking about Aerosmith. The Bad Boys of Boston are undeniably one of the most incredible rock bands in existence. This is of course proven by the fact that they are still touring and have been since 1973. That is 33 years for those of you who didn’t do the math. It is virtually impossible to choose the top ten Aerosmith songs, but this writer is going to try.

10. “Come Together”
This song was released as a single in 1978 and appears on the album Aerosmith’s Greatest Hits from 1980. This song was done for the movie soundtrack to Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. This song definitely has The Beatles influence but keeps with the rock vibe of Aerosmith. Ultimately, this song makes the lost of top ten songs by Aerosmith.

9. “Angel”
“Angel” makes its appearance on the Permanent Vacation Album, released by Aerosmith in 1987. “Angel” has been describes as a sickly sweet ballad that you can choke on. This could be true, but “Angel” is still a beautiful song with great lyrics made believable by Steven Tyler. The instrumental may lack a little, but the overall mood of the piece is so incredible that it garners a place on the top ten Aerosmith songs.

8. “Rag Doll”
“Rag Doll” also appears on the Permanent Vacation Album. This song edges a little into the land of pop mixed with the rock style of Aerosmith. “Rag Doll” leaves the listener feeling just a little dirty, almost like a voyeur. It’s naughty and fun and makes the listener want to watch and move a little. This is definitely one of Aerosmith’s top ten songs.

7. “What it Takes”
“What it Takes” is yet another ballad from Aerosmith and can be found on the album Pump, released in 1989. This song pulls back to the roots of Aerosmith combining the blues and rock sound as only Aerosmith can. This song is one that speaks directly to the listener because it is a song that everyone can relate to. On an album full of much harder sounding material, “What it Takes” stands out, making it one of Aerosmith’s top ten songs.

6. “Back in the Saddle”
“Back in the Saddle” appears on the 1976 album Rocks. This song is quite possibly one of the best rock songs ever. Some even hail it as the rock anthem of the ’70’s. The song has transcended the decades and still receives plenty of airtime on rock radio stations. This song was one that helped define Aerosmith as a hard rock band and that makes it one of the top ten songs from Aerosmith.

5. “Janie’s Got a Gun”
Another incredible song from the Pump album to make this list is “Janie’s Got a Gun.” This song is very haunting. The Mtv generation has been lucky enough to see this story set into picture. Janie killed her father after years of being molested by him. This story is very tragic as well as empowering. The listener is truly angered by the course of events and relieved at the outcome. The fact that this song can draw so much emotion from the listener puts it into the top ten Aerosmith songs.

4. “Sweet Emotion”
“Sweet Emotion” made its appearance first on the Toys in the Attic album in 1975. This song, in its full version is far superior to the one heard on the radio, where several minutes are cut out. Aerosmith liked to combine a lot of blues with rock on their earlier stuff and this really shines through with S”weet Emotion.” Tyler’s unique voice is captivating on this track and the lyrics are classic. This song is by far one of Aerosmith’s top ten.

3. “Walk This Way”
Another song from the Toys in the Attic album that makes this list is “Walk This Way.” This song is ridiculously catchy with the guitar part played by Joe Perry. This song became such a hit that in the 1980’s, Aerosmith teamed up with Run DMC to collaborate. It was this song that has been attributed to helping launch the popularity of rap music. As soon as the instrumental starts, it is impossible not to move to it. This Aerosmith hit is absolutely one of their top ten songs.

2. “Cryin'”
The Aerosmith album, Get a Grip, contains many songs worthy of a top ten nod. None of them can compete with the first released single in 1993. “Cryin'” gained notoriety on Mtv thanks to Alicia Silverstone, but it is the lyrics and instrumental that lands it in the top ten. The song is about breaking up and trying to forget the other person. It is a song that everyone can relate to but maintains that edginess Aerosmith is known for. This song is undoubtedly one of the top ten songs by Aerosmith.

1. “Dream On”
The first album Aerosmith released in 1973 was the self-titled Aerosmith and contained the song “Dream On.” There is so much that can be said about this song and what makes it the best Aerosmith song ever released, but it is really unnecessary. This song speaks for itself. This classic ballad not only lands on the top ten list of Aerosmith songs, but it completely takes over the list landing in at number one.

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