Top Ten Songs by Casting Crowns

The top ten songs and lyric excerpts are as follows:
10. Who am I? This piece points out the fact that it is not about us. The Lord of all the earth looks at us in love because of who He is. He is our creator, the lover of our souls, and the reason we can be freed from the bondage of sin.
9.Voice of Truth Thousands of lies infiltrate our minds on a daily basis. This piece points out the necessary realization that the only voice of Truth we can count on and must choose to listen to is that of the Holy Triune God.
8. Love Them Like Jesus This piece from the album, Lifesong, brings out the message that in the storms of life, which are many, the Christian’s call is to love like Jesus. He is the great redeemer and physician. ‘Just love them like Jesus, carry them to Him His yoke is easy, His burden is light.’
7. What if His People Prayed? This song convicts and moves people to pray, raising the question of how the world would be different if we truly knelt before the Father as Christians are called to do.
6. If we are the Body This piece convicts Christians to embrace one another and those who may be on the outskirts of the church. Jesus calls us to love one another, to heal, to teach, to preach, and to go and spread His magnificent Truth.
5. Lifesong from the album that bears its name, this song encourages Christian’s to live their whole lives for Jesus Christ. In a culture where 24/7 Christianity is seldom to be found, this song is motivating and convicting, challenging Christians to leave their mark for the One who saves them.
4. American Dream This song challenges believers to view things from a cultural perspective. We are raised believing that to have a family and children, a little house with a white picket fence, and a nice neighborhood, means that we have all we could ever ask or long for. This lie of our culture is demolished in this song and we realize that our true hope and home should only be found in heaven.
3. Stained Glass Masquerade This song reveals the lie that many Christians regularly live in. The lyrics that particularly sting are:
Are we happy plastic people
Under shiny plastic steeples
With walls around our weakness
And smiles to hide our pain
But if the invitation’s open
To every heart that has been broken
Maybe then we close the curtain
On our stained glass masquerade
This song motivates and convinces Christians that we are all broken people, our wounded hearts should be unveiled because they bring us not only closer to one another, but closer to Him who was pierced for our sin.
2. Praise You in the Storm
Life is by no means easy, in fact it is full of storms. Jesus’ disciples knew this as did most people mentioned in the Bible. The difference for the Christian is that Jesus is with us in the storm. Not only is He with us, we are called to praise Him and bring honor to Him. Through praising Him, our eyes are lifted away from our troubles, and we are able to fully cast our cares upon Him.
1. Does Anybody Hear her? This piece is truly powerful and urges Christians to hurt for the lost as Jesus does. It also points out the love and affection that every human years for, and the fact that judgment keeps so many from experiencing the shelter and love Christ can offer through His body.