Top Ten Songs by Country Artist Pat Green

Pat Green is a country artist from Austin, Texas. I recently had a chance to see Mr. Green live at the Avalon Rock Club in Boston, MA. While he has had more than a few hits in his time, and often sells out arenas in his native Texas, Pat Green remains a bit on the outskirts of “mainstream” on the national scene. In fact, the club I saw him in recently only holds about 2,000 people. Sure, the place was packed, but I spent my night standing 20 feet from the artist for only about $25 a ticket.

Green puts on a great live show, singing a great mix of songs about love, hate, life, work, survival, and putting on a great showâÂ?¦lots of interaction with the crowd and beer drinking fun. He’s also always smiling on stage, making you feel that despite playing two hundred plus dates a year, he’s having fun up there.

Where a lot of country music these days is marketed solely to women these days, Pat Green’s songs have enough of an edge and personality to appeal to anyone. Here’s a look at ten songs by Pat Green to check out if you want to get a taste for his music.

Wave on Wave – Pat’s first real mainstream hit came off his second album in 2003. Still one of his best, this song is a love song about the way love crashes down on you, just like an ocean wave. A great tune regardless of whether you’re listening to the album version, a slower acoustic version, or a bit more “loud and rowdy” live version.

Crazy – A real gem of a song about love, life, and how the good and bad in both make life worth living. I’m trying to talk my girlfriend into making this one our wedding song.

Here We Go – Just in case you got the false impression that all Pat Green writes is love songs, this tune is a lively, fun day in the life of a struggling country star, who despite having to use “Lone Star beer in my cereal” is “off again to the rodeo” for another night on stage.

Wrapped – A beautiful guitar and fiddle love song, with a theme of “whatever happens, good or bad, we’re together”.

Who’s to Say – Another fun, spirited track here, with an upbeat drum track and some excellent fiddling. A “what right do you have to judge me?!” anthem with great lines like this one about a girlfriend “she goes to church more than Billy Graham, and she knows the bible like the back of her hand, but she drinks gin like it’s going out of style”.

Somewhere between Texas and Mexico – Either a breakup song about fishing, or a fishing song about breaking up, depending on how you want to look at it. Nothing helps heal a broken heart like taking the boat out with the guys fishing “somewhere between Texas and Mexico”.

Guy Like Me – Another fun track about how love, success, and redemption aren’t for “a guy like me”. A blue color song railing against flash and glitz that’s full of “don’t quit” spirit.

Don’t Break my Heart Again – Another excellent song about love, heartbreak, hurt, and hope.

Southbound 35 – A great guitar riff and the line “What the hell am I doing up in Kansas City?” start a track about change, homesickness, love, finding where you belong.

Feels Just Like it Should – A track from Green’s latest and most commercial album, “Cannonball” this song is a upbeat road song that’s a great “drive on a nice day” tune. While much of his newer songs like this one are a bit more polished than his earlier work, they’re still great tunes.

That’s ten great songs there, but it’s hardly a complete list of great Pat Green songs. A few more to check out would be “Texas on my Mind”, “Dixie Lullaby”, “Over and Over”, “Sweet Revenge”, “Three Days” and “If I Were the Devil”.

Happy Listening!

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