Top Ten Songs by Cowboy Mouth

Cowboy Mouth is a band straight from New Orleans. Their music is a rich mix of rock jazz and zydeco. Many critics compare their live show to a “religious experience”. They got the name Cowboy Mouth from the actor Sam Shepard and one of his playwrights. The band is led by Fred LeBlanc on drums and vocals. Other band members include; Paul Sanchez on lead guitar and vocals, John Griffith on guitar and backup vocals, and Sonia Tetlow on bass and backup vocals.

Being a Louisiana native I have had the Cowboy Mouth Live experience many times and it never gets dull or routine. I always have a blast feeding from the energy that Fred generates for all to soak up. Many of Cowboy Mouth’s songs are inspired by Louisiana culture, history, and events. Just listening to a Cowboy Mouth CD you can feel the passion coming through in every verse. Here is the Cowboy Moth Top Ten Songs of all time:

10. Here I sit in Prison – A ballad by John Griffith about the time he (fictional) caught his best friend sleeping with his wife. He gunned down his friend for doing so and now he is sitting in prison and he is not sorry. His only regret is that he was not able to get his wife too. This song is free to the public because Cowboy Mouth released it before they signed with a major label.

9. Love of My Life – Getting the crowd pumped is the pure purpose of this song. Fred’s emotion and raving is an instant addiction in this song, probably due to the fact that almost everyone had to break up with someone and then they went completely psycho! It is a song that was literally written about a girl Fred went to school with.

8. Joe Strummer – This song is the first single released on Cowboy Mouth’s latest album “Voodoo Shoppe”. Fred said this about the song, “I was dating a woman who was, ahem, significantly younger than me. And Joe Strummer had passed away – and I had met him about five or six months before – when we played in Vegas. And I called her up, and I’m like, “Oh, my God.” She’s like, “Honey, what’s wrong?” I said, “Joe Strummer died.” There was this long pause on the phone: “Who was that?” At that moment, it ran through my head, “Oh, man, you’ve gotta go.” But the rest of the song is pretty much made up. Paul (Sanchez, rhythm guitarist) came up with the melody for the verse, Mary helped with the lyrics, and Mitch (Allen), our producer, helped with lyrics. It was an all-inclusive thing. But I always wanted to write a song called “Joe Strummer,” it’s just such a fucking great name.”

7. Everybody Loves Jill – If you were to see this song live you would never forget it. The song was written in a very short time about a record company representative who was having a bad day named Jill. The reason you would never forget is that when the line “With her red spoon” is sand everyone throws red spoons on stage. It was written by John Griffith.

6. How Do You Tell Someone? – Ah, the age old question. How do you tell someone that you don’t love them anymore? Why don’t you love them is the catch of the son. Is it because they stopped caring about you, or how about that you fell in love with another person? There are many interpretations in this timeless song.

5. Hurricane Party – The memories of past hurricane parties I am still trying to forget, but never the less this song is quite the same. In this song Tootsie Rolls are thrown at the stage. It is high energy rock about having a hurricane party drinking hurricanes in honor of an approaching hurricane instead of running for cover.
4. Louisiana Lowdown and Blue – A song with a fast zydeco beat that is by Paul Sanchez. The song is about getting away from the past and being from Louisiana. This song is guaranteed to get the crow going, especially around Louisiana, where I am from.

3. Take me back to New Orleans – Another great ballad by the group that has a very deep meaning. The song is about a man who moves to Texas from New Orleans to be with a girl only to have her eventually cheat on him. He asks her to choose but isn’t worried about her decision because he is going back to New Orleans no matter what.

2. The Avenue – This is a song written in remembrance of the victims of hurricane Katrina and was performed on “Ellen”. It is a very deep song and you can check out the video on

1. Jenny Says – By far the most popular and widely known of all of Cowboy Mouth’s songs, Jenny Says is their closing song at every live concert. It is not about a girl named Jenny, it is actually about life and that it is only as hard as you make it. Life is more affected by how you deal with the cards your dealt rather than the cards themselves.

WARNING! Cowboy Mouth is highly addictive and you cant resist but to let go when at the beginning and end of every concert Fred exalts; “Let go of cares and worries, I don’t care what’s buggin’ you, I don’t care what’s bringing you down, the only thing that matters is right here, right now!”

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