Top Ten Songs by David Alan Coe

This is a list of the top ten songs by David Alan Coe and what each song is about.

10. “Now I lay me down to cheat” This is one of those cheating songs. The guy tells the story of how this affair came about and he expresses his love for his wife and hopes that she never finds out because he doesn’t want to hurt her like that.

9. “Willie, Waylon, and me” This song is just about these three guys. It just talks about all over the states people were talking about different stuff but in Texas the talk turned to outlaws like these guys.

8. “Mona Lisa lost her smile” This is a song about a man who had his life all planned out like a painting. When his woman left it shattered his masterpiece. He figures out that he gave too little and took too much but now it is too later because he has lost her.

7. “Cheap Thrills” This song just has a catchy tune even though there aren’t many words to this song. This song is about a guy who likes to do things he isn’t supposed to do. He is a man that has always been attracted to cheap thrills and he can’t help it.

6. “Lately I’ve been thinking too much lately” In this song the guys feels like him and his lady are drifting apart. He feels like he is making it all alone. Even when they are together he doesn’t feel like it. He is starting to think that maybe he might need someone who doesn’t make him feel that way.

5. “Long haired Redneck” This song is basically about all the songs that David Alan Coe sings and can sing. He talks about how he is a redneck and proud of it and his music reflects that. He sings the songs he wants to sing and he doesn’t like it when someone tells him he isn’t country just because they don’t like the way he looks or sings.

4. “Take this job and shove it” This is a song about a guy who is tired of his job. He wishes he had the nerve to tell them to “take this job and shove it.” He talks about how his bosses think that they are better than everyone else and how if he didn’t have bills to pay then he would just quit. This is one of those songs that anyone who works can sympathize with.

3. “The ride” This song is about a guy who catches a ride to Nashville. The words of the song are basically the conversation between the two men during the ride. At the end of the song it is revealed that it is Hank Williams seniors ghost that has given him a ride.

2. “Would you lay with me (in a field of stone)” In this song the man is wanting to know if his lady will be with him through thick and thin. He wants to make sure that if he gives his self to her that she will be there for him when he needs her the most.

1. “You never even call me by my name (the perfect country and western song)” This song is number one because it is one of the most cleverly written songs I have ever heard. The song was sent to David by a friend who claimed that it was the perfect country and western song. Well David added a last verse to it which indeed made it the perfect country and western song because it mentions trucks, trains, prison, drinking, and of course rain.

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