Top Ten Songs by George Strait

George Strait has been one of my favorite country music artists ever since I can remember. George Strait has accomplished many things throughout his career including 31 #1 hit songs beginning in 1981 and lasting through the 1990’s. He has also starred in the 1992 movie Pure Country where he played a country superstar who disappears from the limelight to reflect upon what is important and to get back to his roots. George Strait’s music has a old school theme to it, with most songs reflecting on cowboys, broken hearts, and falling in love. With hundreds of great songs this is a list of my top 10 favorites in no particular order.

1. Amarillo By Morning- This song seems to be the anthem of most cowboys and rodeo riders as it depicts the story of a man riding the circuit and the loves and material possessions lost along the way. This country ballad has a nice tempo and well written lyrics. It is not really a tear jerking song as most of the ballads George Strait performs but more of a woeful feel good song about a man being content with the freedom he has. It’s a good tune to listen to before going to a rodeo or county fair.

2. Love Without End,Amen- A truly great song that my husband claims he ” can totally relate to now the he is a father”. The song depicts the circle of life as a boy who gets in trouble and the father tells him of his unconditional love. Then when the boy becomes a man going through the same things with his son he shares the same words. Ending with a dream of going to heaven and hearing those same words spoken yet again.

3. Where The Sidewalk Ends- This song is in the beginning of Pure Country when George Strait’s character realizes his career has become too commercialized. A catchy song reflecting on a man dealing with a woman who left him. This is a great song giving man a sense of empowerment as he realizes she left him and left a good thing. I like the overall upbeat music. It is a great change from the typically slow ballads George Strait is famous for.

4. Blue Clear Sky- This is a overall feel good song about falling in love out of nowhere. This song is very upbeat and has very sympathetic lyrics. This song perfectly reflects the feelings of when you go through what I call the “honeymoon phase” of a new relationship. This was released in the mid 1990’s. The song is also the title song to George Strait’s Blue Clear Sky album.

5. The Chair- I used to think this song was really corny. It is written about a man who strikes up a conversation by claiming the woman took his chair and proceeds to sit by her and they end up having a rather nice time together. The more I listened to it, I really began to like it as the man in the chair really had some confidence to try a lame pickup line like that and have it work. It is a nice ballad.

6. Today My World Slipped Away- This is a real depressing song to listen to as it tells the story of a man who just signed his divorce papers and is going about the rest of his day realizing everything will be different for him. I think this would be a good song for someone going through a divorce to relate to the feeling of loss that accompanies the parting of two people.

7. You Know Me Better Than That- A catchy upbeat tune about a man telling his ex about the new woman in his life who is in love with him but yet has no clue who he really is or his real interests. A nice break from the traditional songs of breaking down and crying when you see a ex. It makes you feel like you can connect with a prior love by bonding over how much the new person in your life has yet to learn about you.

8. I Cross My Heart- This song is at the end of Pure Country when George Strait’s character has went back to his roots and is singing to the girl he is in love with, who had no idea he was a famous singer. This is a great song and was played at many of the weddings I attended in the early to-mid 1990’s. The lyrics are beautiful and the song just makes me feel warm and fuzzy all over. It talks of a man and how much he truly loves the woman he is with.

9. Baby’s Gotten Good At Goodbye- Yet another great song about a woman leaving a man. The difference in this song is the woman always threatened to leave and when she did leave would come right back. So he never took her threats seriously and this time when she walked out she just left and he is nervous about the outcome of the situation. Good song for men to listen to when their woman is pulling the stunt of leaving and coming back.

10. You Look So Good In Love- I love this song as it is about a man who sees his ex with someone new and realizes just how pretty she truly is and how he never realized it while they were together and now feels a slight pang of jealousy. Even though it is a ballad and is about love lost it also proves the old saying “You don’t know what you got till it’s gone” is true.

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