Top Ten Songs by Hoobastank

Hoobastank had its beginning in 1994, in the suburbs of Los Angeles, but didn’t enter the music business until 1998, with their first, self-released CD “They Sure Don’t Make Basketball Shorts Like They Used To.” Soon they were noticed by Island records and with the release of the singles “Crawling in the Dark” and “Running Away,” became a hit. Many of their best songs, though, are on their latest CD, “Every Man For Himself.”

The number one top song by Hoobastank is, in fact, not on that CD. “The Reason” (on their CD of the same name) is a song that is touching and displays the band’s gloomy and alternative-influenced sound. The chorus is something that will stick in your head for days, thanks to vocalist Douglas Robb’s clear and engaging voice, Chris Hesse’s great beat on the drums, and Dan Estrin’s rocking guitar.

“The First of Me” is the second top song – another song with strong and meaningful lyrics written by the members of the band themselves. With a strong beat and soft music to support them, the lyrics state that “I am not for sale, I am not for saleâÂ?¦. I’m not the next of them, I am the first of me.” Dare to be different, don’t lead – be the first person just like you. This song sends a message, and with music like theirs, it’s hard not to listen. Or, as the song puts it, “Listen to my voice and I will never fail.”

Two more songs from their CD “The Reason” that take their places in the top ten are “Same Direction” and “Out of Control.” Both are a different style from their later album. They are louder and rowdier and definitely fun songs to listen to. They show the more rock and alternative side of Hoobastank.

“What you say will be forgotten someday, but what you do will be remembered,” sings the song “Don’t Tell Me.” Again, such deep and true lyrics are blended with an unmatched style of music that is very unique to the band.

“Without a Fight” and “Look Where We Are” follow up on the top ten list, with their similar message, best described by some lines from “Look Where We Are” – “Just look back on how far we’ve come. We made it somehow. Look where we are now.” This band has achieved a lot, and these songs are just two great ones in a large selection of greats.

“If I Were You” is another song that displays the amazing vocal talents of Doug Robb. He sings this song with a clear voice that leaves you wanting more. And the song itself is saying ‘cheer up’ – “If I were you, holding the world right in my hands, the first thing I’d do is thank the stars above, for the ones I love, take a breath and enjoy the view, live the life that I’ve wanted to” – something that many of us need to do once in a while.

One of the songs that started it all is still one of Hoobastank’s top ten – “Crawling in the Dark” calls back on the roots and beginnings that they had come from, showing clearly the rock/alternative influence on this band. As far as all their songs are concerned, this one is a classic that will always be one of their top song.

The last song in the top ten songs by Hoobastank is one that is a little more playful, something different for this group. The lyrics of “Inside of You” are not concerned with being who you were born to be, working hard to get to the top, or ‘moving forward’ – they are, very simply, about getting some. This song asks “What do I have to do to get inside of you? âÂ?¦I love the way you move when I’m inside of youâÂ?¦” and says that “I’m sure I can pretend to be a gentleman, but before I begin I just want to knowâÂ?¦ What do I have to do to get inside of you?” And yet, even as a girl, I can’t help but love it. It seems not to take itself seriously, and with a great beat and music, it’s another top song.

Hoobastank is a band that never seems to run out of ideas. Their self-written lyrics contain strong and inspirational thoughts and ideas, and they are capable of making many different styles of music as their own. These top ten songs are only a few from the large amount of great music that they have produced.

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