Top Ten Songs by Kiss

As a teen I became fascinated by the rock group Kiss because they were different. They wore outlandish clothing distinctive makeup and annoyed the conservative population of my small Tennessee town, I liked their music. Because it was loud and catchy and not disco.

I set out on a quest to obtain every Kiss album possible within a 1970’s teen budget and papered my walls with photos torn from magazines and posters from the inside of album covers. Keep in mind this was back in the day of actual vinyl records that one played using a record player with a needle. The solo albums were wonderful as they had posters that connected together much like a jigsaw puzzle.

Every album had a order form that would, for the cost of $14.95 make you a certified member of the Kiss Army!
I save my hard earned lawn mowing money and sent in my certificate. In what seemed like forever, (in reality about 8 weeks) my package arrived Inside was a membership card, a black and grey patch with the Kiss logo and a certificate that said I was an official member of the Kiss army! My mother sewed the patch on my favorite denim jacket and for years I proudly displayed my association with my favorite Rock group..

, I was fortunate enough to attend the Dynasty Tour in Knoxville Tennessee as I recall the ticket’s at that time were around $12 for festival seating not an inexpensive outing in the 70’s… Arriving early with my parents as at that time I was one of the few kids who’s parents actually liked Rock music, we sat outside the coliseum wearing our Kiss T-shirts I just knew I was so very cool with my really large hair bellbottoms and black Peter Chris solo album T., talking with other concert goers about how much we loved Kiss and how much we disliked disco,. The crowd grew as the day went on. As show time neared men who I assumed were Roadies walked through the crowd carrying the famous platform boots of Paul Stanley perched on a pillow while the crowd screamed and cheered! The Festival seating was our reason for early arrival and we managed seats directly in line with the stage.

The lights went down, the announcer began “You wanted the best and you’ve got the best âÂ?¦The most famous Band in the World!”

My heart began to pound and one of the most memorable nights of my life was off and running! As the announcer boomed the final word “KISS”!

Smoke covered the stage the beginning riff to Detroit Rock City slowly built in volume and I was in a state of wonder as I watched the band members rise through the floor of the stage!

The stage show was amazing While Paul Stanley sang song after song; Gene Simmons breathed fire and flew over the audience! Ace freely’s Guitar began to smoke and burst into flames and Peter Chris flipped drumsticks to the cheering fans.
I left that concert with the feeling that I had seen the best! My ears were ringing and I fell asleep that night with memories and songs floating through my dreams

Over the years memories fade and now I don’t remember the order of songs at that concert but below are my top 10 favorite Kiss songs of all time!

10. God of Thunder
9. Detroit Rock City
8. Rock and Roll all Night
7. Hard Luck woman
6. Sure know something
5. Hotter than Hell
4. Shock me
3. Plaster Caster
2. Beth
1. Love Gun

These are the ten songs by Kiss I still like to this day. Not necessarily in this order but I’d most definitely rather hear them then Rap or Hip-Hop. If these songs are oldies then they certainly are Golden… Maybe I’m an Oldie too my hair isn’t as large and I no longer wear bellbottoms but I Sure Know Something”

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