Top Ten Songs by Ray Charles

Choosing a top ten list of songs by Ray Charles is a little difficult. He has so many songs, in a variety of styles that span decades of work. The somewhat recent popular movie based on his life had me thinking of him and his many musical works.

Ray Charles was born Ray Charles Robinson on September 23,1930. He became blind as child for unknown reasons. While some speculate that his blindness could have been caused by glaucoma, there is no definitive answer. Either way, he overcame his handicap to become a well-known pianist, lyricist, and singer who bowled the world over. He sang everything. Rhythm and blues, gospel, country, and pop were encompassed easily in to his work. His simple Albany, Georgia roots inspired him with a gospel sound that continued to influence him throughout his life.

Like most people in generation X one of the first time I really took notice of a Ray Charles song was on the infamous Cosby Show television series. Whether I knew it or not, “Night Time is the Right Time” was a famous Ray Charles song. He was introduced to a whole new generation of people thanks to the Huxtable family.

I grew up in Georgia and was quickly exposed to many of Ray Charles songs throughout my life. The state song “Goergia on My Mind” is one of his best songs in my opinion. It is a love song to his home state and is known the world over. It hit #1 on the Billboard Pop Charts in no time.

My top ten lists of Ray Charles Songs are:

1. Georgia on My Mind
2. Mess Around
3. I Got a Woman
4. What’d I Say
5. Shake Your Tail Feathers
6. You are My Sunshine
7. Unchain My Heart
8. Hit the Road Jack
9. I Can’t Stop Loving you
10. You Don’t Know Me

“Georgia on My Mind” is a sweet ballad with heartfelt words describing the state of his birthplace. It sees nearly impossible to think that a song like this could be sung by a man with hits like “Mess Around” and ” I Got a Woman.” These are upbeat gospel blues inspired pieces that made him famous or infamous in his generation. His gospel takes on these songs offended as many as it inspired. A generation was changed when Ray found his own sound.

His number one hit include “Unchain my Heart, “You Are My Sunshine, ” “Georgia on My Mind,” and “Hit the Road Jack.” These songs are timeless and are as popular today as they were when they hit number one.

The 2005 Grammy Awards were dedicated to Ray Charles in a broad acknowledgment of his body of music, his influence on multiple generations, and his musical genius. While this is only one of his most recent awards and acknowledgments he has received many in his life. One of the most memorable for Ray Charles and his family was his induction into the Georgia Music Hall of Fame in 1976. Three years later “Goergia on My Mind” became the state song. Ray was acknowledging in Hollywood with a star on the walk of fame in 1981. His awards did not stop there. He is also one of the first members of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. He received this honor in 1986.

Ray Charles music has inspired countless other musicians, change music forever, and continues to be some of the top selling music to date. He has crossed generation lines to become truly an American classic. While I have listed his top ten songs in my opinion you should definitley check out his recordings to discover your own top ten list of favorites.

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