Top Ten Songs by Sade

Born in Ibadan, Nigeria in 1958, a musical star was born. Men are captivated by her natural beauty while women are inspired by her sultry nature which embodies womanhood and freedom. The liberations she sets free from her vocal ability has more to do with self-love, living a positive life, and embracing all human connectedness. Sade is the front woman of her very own group, a group that combines jazzy smooth world music with adult contemporary issues and hails from England. She began her journey by signing in two groups, one called Arriva and then one called Pride, where she met the founding members of Sade and began writing original material which would be included in the smash hit Diamond Life which includes, “Your Love is King” and other Sade favorites. One year after her debut album, she would be crowned the Best New Artist in 1985 which garnered her a Grammy Award.

I first began listening to Sade as a young adult at college and found solace in her Diamond Life album, but then as other Sade favorites hit the waves, I was in love with the way she sung, from her heart and soul. Uninhibited, real and with no apologies in a smooth, cool way. Her verses struck through my bones and my soul, bringing my spirit higher by a musical touch.

What’s the draw to her music? It’s sultry, sexy, deep and thought-provoking. From the “Smooth Operator” which basically blasts those men who love to date multiple women and who are known as “players” she uses her sensuality as a quiet strength against their advances. In “Your Love is King” she crowns the man as the King of everything in the relationship, instantly drawing the unconditional love of men, who want to be the focal point in a relationship. The song is praising the love she has for her man and this is an attractive trait to her music. Her words seem to swirl around her listeners and bring clarity and sweetness to their world as they recall on love within their very own lives.

Her career has been very diverse in terms of musicality, appearances in commercial film releases, and with some law enforcement issues. She’s appeared in an soap opera and a few movies, including the 1986 Absolute Beginnings. Her driving reckless gave her a little jail time in Jamaica in 1997 but that did not stop her musical success. With an eight year lapse, she was able to come back and give her fans just what they had been missing.

Even though she’s had 8 commercial albums, her staying power is evident by her success with the Grammys.. With her Lovers Rock album, she was critically acclaimed and had commercial success with the album which was more of her classic jazzy stylings which uplifted love in relationships and in life.

My favorite ten Sade songs are:
1.Your Love Is King
2.Smooth Operator
3.Hang On To Your Love
4.The Sweetest Taboo
5.Is It A Crime
6.Never As Good As The First Time
7.Love Is Stronger Than Pride
8.Nothing Can Come Between Us
9.No Ordinary Love
10.Cherish The Day

If you want beautiful, classical smooth jazzy music that fills your soul, then look no further. Sade’s music will definitely fit your love musical bill as it soothes you with life lessons that make you remember love’s first blush, the infinitely of devotion, the simplicity of life with your soul mate. Is love stronger than pride? Only you can be the judge of your love in your life and compare your love meter against the sweet songs that this songstress singsâÂ?¦

Find out more about Sade at

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