Top Ten Songs by Saves the Day

Here are the Top Ten songs of the band from Princeton, New Jersey:
10. Rocks Tonic Juice Magic (from the album “Through Being Cool”)
Ask a lot of hardcore Saves The Day fans what their favorite song is, and I bet a good portion say “Rocks Tonic Juice Magic”. It’s popular for its total raw approach. Chris Conley’s lyrics are straight-up, right the point and metaphorically violent. If you’ve never heard the song before, give a good read during your first listen, I bet you rewind the track a few times after thinking “Did he really say that there?”
9. Tomorrow Too Late (“In Reverie”)
I think this song more than any other illustrates how this band matured as a group. It’s very well written in the way it builds up, and lead vocalist Conley really shows his range during the chorus. The song starts with just the vocals stringing along a guitar, but about a minute in the song takes on a whole new body, and never looks back.
8. This Is Not An Exit (“Stay What You Are”)
This track appeared on the band’s first release on a major record label, “Stay What You Are”. A very free-flowing track that is, in a word, solid. Intelligent lyrics paint pictures of the sea and shipwrecks, amongst plenty of other metaphors. Every aspect molds into each other perfectly, giving a colorful backdrop to Conley’s terrific lyrics.
7. Bones (“Sound The Alarm”)
The first and only track that made my list from their latest release, “Sound The Alarm”. That’s not to say the album lacks anything particular, it’s a very good piece of work, it’s just that this track stands out. This song is especially special because it’s the exact opposite of the saying “by the book”. They start the song, progress from one transition to another and never look back. By this, I mean that you’re not going to here the same style verse and chorus three different times in the song; everything you’re listening to is the first time you’ve heard it, and that’s extremely refreshing.
6. Always Ten Feet Tall (“Can’t Slow Down”)
This song hails from their first LP. It’s start with great energy. The drummer bangs on the toms creating a fast and heavier feel lasting about halfway through the song. Then the song seems to slow down while retaining its intensity and you find yourself rocking out from beginning until end.
5. Firefly (“Stay What You Are”)
This starts off as the fastest song on the album, giving it a throw-back kind of feel to their prior releases. Then, like they’ve been known to do, they break it down in a way the listener can sing along and never forget. Conley once again shines lyrically here, highlighting the first verse with some casual swearing. This is, hands down, my favorite track on this LP.
4. Take Our Cars Now! (“I’m Sorry I’m Leaving”)
An acoustic song coming from a five song acoustic EP that some Saves The Day fans call their favorite release of the band. This track incorporates some of the most unique lyrics you’ll ever hear, basically taken right from normal person to person dialogue. For example, “âÂ?¦I told you I didn’t want my picture taken.” Terrific song on a terrific EP.
3. Sell My Old Clothes, I’m Off To Heaven (“Ups and Downs”)
This track comes off of a release that has earlier Saves The Day recordings, b-sides, and a live track. Simply stated, this song is overflowing with life. Incredibly catchy, you’ll be singing it in your sleep.
2. Holly Hox, Forget Me Nots (“Through Being Cool”)
Another favorite amongst Saves The Day die-hards, this jam along with my number one choice are some of the best storyteller songs ever. You really go through a short story that not only is interesting, but is something most people can totally relate to. It deals with teenage love, being on the worse end of a teenage break-up, and failing to cope.
1. The Last Lie I Told (“Through Being Cool”)
My absolute favorite Saves The Day song, and one of my favorite songs of all time. Musically, it’s special. It’s not the most talented guitar play, percussion, etc.; it’s the manner in which the song works its way through. It’s another non-linear track where every note makes sense, and sounds like it should be no other way.