Top Ten Songs by System of a Down

System of a Down is a very unique band. They have always had a way of combining very hard, loud, and unpredictable music with pretty and soothing intervals. They are very enlightened song writers, as they clearly understand exactly what they want to do in a song from the first second. I have compiled a list that I think best represents their talents.

10. Question
As good as their new material is, I definitely prefer the older sound of System, which is why I chose to put Track #8 from “Mezmerize” on this list. It reminds me of their older style, with the interesting time signature and the powerful melody coupled with deep, hard chords.

9. Holy Mountains
Track #8 on “Hypnotize” is also my favorite on the album. It has a very interesting and different sound. The transition from slow and eerie verse to sporadic breakdown to gripping, harmonic chorus just makes for an incredible recording.

8. Mr. Jack
Track #7 on “Steal this Album!,” Mr. Jack is a pretty good transition piece between System’s sound on the first two albums and their sound on the last two. It incorporates very strong harmonies and heavy guitar parts as well as pretty and calm musical breaks.

7. Needles
Track #2 on “Toxicity,” this song sort of introduces a new approach from the band. Although it still sounds very heavy and deep, it is more formatted and structured than their previous work had been, and the use of vocal harmonies in some of the song was a very cool insertion.

6. P.L.U.C.K.
Track #13 on “System of a Down,” this song shows off the band’s talent as musicians. Despite its sporadic nature, they perform it so flawlessly you can only sit back and be amazed. Also, the breakdowns and transitions are small but important, and the parts that System incorporated into the song are perfect.

5. Streamline
Track #16 on “Steal this Album!” is an amazing conclusion to the album. It is powerful and gripping, and leaves you wanting to hear the album again. Its separate parts are individually amazing, but putting them together as a whole makes the song even better. System of a Down has a way of doing that.

4. Suite-Pee
Track #1 on “System of a Down,” this song is a very good introduction to who the band is and what they sound like. Although their style has changed significantly since the album, “Suite-Pee” brings me back to the good, hard, scary days of System of a Down.

3. War?
Track #8 on “System of a Down,” this song not only sounds really cool, but it also a look into what later became System of a Down’s obvious concern with political issues. Although this song is broader and does not necessarily criticize specific wrongs in the world, it is an interesting angle on the album, which seems to be filled with so much anger.

2. Chop Suey
Track #6 on “Toxicity,” this is one of the most layered and gripping songs that System of a Down has every released. It is filled with emotion, but it still batters you with hard rock. It is obviously that the band put a lot of time into writing this song and took it very seriously, and it definitely paid off.

1. Forest
Track #8 on “Toxicity,” something about “Forest” just leaves you saying “wow, that’s good.” With the building guitar parts, the matching vocals, and the explosive chorus, it just makes for a top-ten song. Their choices of chords always amaze, but more so than usual in this song.

System of a Down has an interesting way of seeming almost playful in some ways in their music yet maintaining a high level of sincerity and respectability. Also, some of their music is so well put together, you can only sit there and wish they would record music more quickly.

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