Top Ten Songs by Toby Keith

This is a list of the top ten songs by Toby Keith and what each song is about.

10. “I wanna talk about me” This song is about a guy who doesn’t mind his woman to talk about all the things in her life but would sometimes like to talk about himself too. He says that they talk about her medical problems, girl problems, shopping, and everything in between but he would like to talk about what he thinks sometimes.

9. “Getcha some” This song is about all the things in life that you just need to “getcha some” of. It lists all the things in life that a man needs to have lived his life in full. It talks about money, kids, a house, and a nice woman.

8. “Should’ve been a cowboy” This is a song that is from a man who wishes he would have been a cowboy. It talks about all the fun things involved with being a cowboy. He says he should have learned to “rope and ride just like Gene and Roy, singing those campfire songs.”

7. “A little too late” This song is about a guy who realizes a little too late that his woman was right and he was wrong. He says that it would be a good time to change but he thinks he is too late.

6. “How do you like me now?” This is the ultimate song for someone who didn’t quite fit in during high school. It is about a guy who liked a girl in high school. The girl wouldn’t give him the time of day because he wasn’t popular enough but now he is a big star and he wants to know “How do you like me now?”

5. “As good as I once was” This is one of those macho guy songs. Toby talks about how good he once was. He knows that he has gotten older and can’t do all the things he once did, but he believes that he can do something once just as good as he used to.

4. “Does that blue moon ever shine on you” This song is about a guy who misses his ex lover and wants to know if she misses him too. He wonders where she is and if she is looking at the same moon he is.

3. “You shouldn’t kiss me like this” This song is so sweet. The guy is telling his friend that she shouldn’t kiss him unless she means it because he doesn’t want to read into her the wrong way. He says the world will never believe they’re just friends, if they are falling in love.

2. “Courtesy of the red, white and blue (the angry American)” This song came about after the terrorist attacks on America in September of 2001. This song is there to let everyone know that Americans are not going to just sit back and let terrorist kill our fellow Americans. This song gave many people hope of recovering from the terror left in their hearts after the attacks. This song has come under much criticism by some who believe it portrays Americans as violent but as an American I believe it is an awesome song.

1. “American soldier” This song is ranked number one because it was a tribute to all our soldiers that we have over in Iraq. It just pays tribute to all of our American Soldiers and all that they do for our country. It portrays how our soldiers are just normal men and women who have stepped up in their line of duty in order for us to have a safe place to lay our heads at night.

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