Top Ten Songs by the Beatles

Ob-la-di, ob-la-da

This song is one of the best songs by The Beatles because it is like no other. It is so rare to have a song that is really not about much of anything but is so fun, and lasts for generations and generations.

Twist and Shout

Twist and Shout is one of my favorite karaoke songs. It is really hard to butcher, so it ends up being fun even when a bad singer does it. My friends and I love to send one of our friends up to do this song, and then the rest of us will try to get the entire room to start twisting in the aisles.

When I’m Sixty-Four

To me, this is the most romantic song ever, because it is the image of two people who grow old together and are still desperately in love. My husband and I had this song play during the cake cutting at our wedding.

Yellow Submarine

My husband just loves this song, although he can never seem to remember the words to the verses, just the chorus. We played this song through headphones on my belly to my son while I was pregnant, and now my son always stops crying when we play this song.


For some strange reason, this song also makes my son stop crying. I enjoy the French in it, which I worked on being able to sing so I could sing it to my baby boy. I think he likes it because the feel of the song tends to make me rock him.

All You Need is Love

The title of this song really just says it all. It has such a wonderfully positive and very true message. For this reason, I just adore this song.

Let it be

In a strange way, to me this song is hope. It’s not a “don’t worry, be happy, everything is going to be alright” message, but it basically reminds me that it is not the end of the world, “And when the night is cloudy, There is a light that shines on me, Shine until tomorrow, let it be.”

With a Little Help from my Friends

This song was the theme song to one of my favorite television shows of all time, “The Wonder Years,” but even if it wasn’t, it is still one of my favorite Beatles songs. It may be one of my favorite songs ever, because it triumphs one of the things I value most- true friendship, friends that are always on your side no matter what.


This song is just some of the best composing I have ever heard. Even without the words, I think the music alone is enough to make me shed many tears.

In My Life

This song is very special to me. It is my absolute favorite song ever. I am a very sentimental person, and if you are, I am sure that you will understand why this song means a lot to me. To me, this song represents change, and new love entering your life. To me, the lines “And these mem’ries lose their meaning, When I think of love as something new, Though I know I’ll never lose affection, For people and things that went before,” basically says, “Even though I have this wonderful love for you that is beyond all love I have ever felt, all the past experiences in my life are still going to be meaningful to me.” I had this song play at my wedding as the song my dad and I danced to. To me, it represented the fact that I had spent all the previous years of my life loving my parents, with my daddy being the main man in my life. Even though I was then turning my life and greatest love to my husband, I would always cherish my years with parents.

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