Top Ten Songs by the Foo Fighters

The Foo Fighters have ripped into our ear drums for over a decade now. With that much time combined with their decent new song production efficiency, you’ve got a ton of songs to enjoy. Dave Groehl’s band is usually a good bet no matter what song you’re listening to, but there are a few that stand out. If you’re a new listener these are the songs you need to inhale before you can breathe the words “I’m a Foo Fighters fan”. Counting down from number 10, we begin with their newest album.

10. “The Best of You” Album: In Your Honor Disc 1

The Best of You is a driving force with a line that you will be forced seconds after listening to repeat in your head, and you’ll be happy about it. This is a hard, pulsating song perfect for the internal juices. A little advice about this album, throw the second disc at somebody you don’t like and make sure it shatters.

9.) “Times Like These” Album: One by One

This song has a sappy subject, but a killer chorus that climaxes with Groehl’s powerful voice. An uplifting song for sure. Great timing coming almost a year after the tragedy of 9/11. Very applicable to such a time.

8.) “Times Like These” (Acoustic version)

Same song as number 9, but with a softer touch. Don’t doubt Mr. Groehl though, he puts his two cents worth in this song as well. I prefer the acoustic version because it emphasis both the powerful climax and Groehl’s ability to throw down.

7.) “Everlong” Album: The Colour and The Shape

Great guitar intro that bleeds into a softer melody with a subtle edge.

6.) “Stacked Actors” Album : There is Nothing Left to Lose

Probably one their best guitar intros with a dirty, rough sound. Not sure about the lyrics, but it doesn’t matter.

5.) “Breakout” Album: There is Nothing Left to Lose

A dizzying song with great lyrics that could be applied to any number of situations. One of those help you through tough times songs, be it pimples or love.

4.) “Monkey Wrench” Album: The Colour and The Shape

A classic Foo Fighters song with a singable chorus and a powerful bridge. Plenty of edge, but plenty of simplicity.

3.) “Learn To Fly” Album: There is Nothing Left to Lose

A poppy song, but one that deserves it’s pop. It has an inescapable melody from a softer side of David Groehl. A classic song and possibly their most popular song of all.

2.) “All My Life” Album: One by One

Great intro with a thick palm-muted pulse that slams into an even thicker melody. Has a very metallic theme to it. I think somebody is literally banging a pipes together during the song. It’s one of those songs that you seek out.

1.) “My Hero” Album: The Colour and The Shape

The quintessential Foo Fighters song. The legendary subject of the song is the pure catalyst for the start of another legend in Dave Groehl. The song pays homage to Nirvana’s fallen hero Kurt Cobain, the band that Groehl spent his younger, grungier days driving the beat from the back. Now as frontman, he writes one of the most moving songs of this rock era. This song will never, ever be forgotten just as Cobain will never leave us.

If you had to pick one album, There Is Nothing Left To Lose is probably their best overall album, and their most popular. But if you want to truly listen to the Foo Fighters, you have to grab The Colour And The Shape. My advice, get them all.

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