Top Ten Toys for Kindergarten Children, Five Years Old

The Kindergarten child is ready for more challenging toys. Good selections are beginning science kits. They will be participating in science fairs at school and getting them interested before time will make their in school projects more interesting. They are ready for more intricate board games and more adventurous out door play. One thing to do is to impress upon the kindergarten child not to let younger children play with their toys. They contain small parts that can be very dangerous to a younger child. It is a good idea if you have younger children to have separate storage areas and when they play together, use the younger child’s toys. If someone is coming to visit with a younger child, ask them to bring some of the child’s favorite toys and get our your child’s old toys for them to play with. Safety should always be the main concern.

Arts and Crafts Toys for Kindergarten, five year olds

Arts and crafts toys are a good choice for every age group. Every child lover to express his or hers own creativity.

GeoSafari Light Writer from
High Tech comes to arts and crafts. GeoSafari Light Writer comes with special glow in the dark paper and a special wand to activate it There is a 16 page activity guide and seven stencils. It also comes in a sturdy carrying case making it a good toy to take on trips or to Grandma’s house.

Large Tie Dye Kit
The kids may have to hide this one from their parents. You can make up to 15 tie die tee shirts. What a great way for a child to express creativity. And they can wear their own designs to school

Book for Kindergarten, five year olds

Books are another good selection for any age group. Getting a child started reading at a young age leads to a life time of reading enjoyment.

Encyclopedia Prehistorica Dinosaurs: The Definitive Pop-Up Book
What five year old does not like dinosaurs? The Encyclopedia Prehistorica Dinosaurs: The Definitive Pop-Up Book is a recipient of the prestigious Oppenheim award. The book has information on well known and lesser known dinosaurs. It is great for kindergarten, it is a subject that is popular in Kindergarten and it makes a great book to bring into school.

String Games From Klutz
String Games have been playground favorites for centuries. It has 7 string games, introduced by 7 real kids, from 7 incredibly different cultures and that is not all. It is 80 pages of color photographs, watercolor paintings, and instructional art.

Construction Set Toys for Kindergarten, age five

A Kindergarten child is ready to get into building big time. Theses toys will keep them occupied for hours on end.

Super Magz 52 Magnetic Toy
Super Magz has extras large pieces and magnets, to make the creations hold together better. The Limit here is in the child’s imagination.

Board games for Kindergarten, age five

No matter how technical toys get , children still enjoy sitting down to a session with a good board game. It is a great family activity.

Junior Labyrinth Game From Ravensburger
This is the child’s version of Labyrinth. There are treasures to be found, if you go down the right path.

Race To The Roof Board Game
Players begin in the basement and move their playing piece through the house by rolling the die. But there are dangers and challenges before you make it to the roof.

Outdoor Toys for Kindergarten, five Years old

Outdoor toys for kindergarten children are much more adventurous than the younger child’s versions. Put you fears at rest and let them have at it. They will survive and so will you.

Fun Roller Outdoor Toy
If your child ever wondered what it feels like to be a hamster, this is his chance to find out. This is defiantly a grass only toy. It is a 4 foot diameter plastic roller, The child gets in a rolls away.

Maverick Pogo Stick
This is a younger child’s version of the big size pogo stick It is from the first manufacturer of pogo sticks. It is for children from 40-60 pounds.

Science Toys for Kindergarten, five years old

Science is very important for the kindergarten child. It satisfies their interest in the unknown.

Norman & Globus has two great beginning science kits, perfect for the Kindergarten student. The first one is
ElectroWiz Electricity Science Kit
Five may seem young to be working on electricity, but once you take a look at this kit, you will put your doubts aside. This one has won multiple awards. It is run on batteries, which are included, so there is no need to worry about plugging into the electric. Kids can build a circuit loop, make lights light and buzzers buzz, spin “wiz bangs,” send coded messages, and play with the running motor.
The second one is
ElectroWiz Magnetism Science Kit
Nothing fascinates a child like magnetism. To them it is like magic and to learn how to do it would be just great. This is another award winner. It looks like Norman & Globus is a name you can trust for quality. The ElectroWiz Magnetism Science Kit includes all the materials to build an iron detector, go fishing, swim ducks, levitate metal rings just like magic, make magnets bigger and stronger, and craft a compass. Can you imagine what their kits for the older child are like?

Puzzle Toys for Kindergarten, five year olds

Puzzles are great at any age and the puzzles for a kindergarten child are bigger and more challenging.

Solar System Floor Puzzle From Melissa & Doug
Floor puzzles are great. The pieces are big enough so they are not easily lost and with this one the child learns about the solar system.

Pretend Play Toys for Kindergarten, five years old

A child of every age loves to pretend and as they grow old, the pretend play becomes more focused to imitating different occupations, in many cases an occupation of one of their parents.

Base Station Communication System
This is more than a toy It is also a good way for you to keep track of where your child is. It comes with a base station and two hand sets. The child can pretend to be a police officer, or anyone else that their imagination can come up with.

Travel Toys for Kindergarten, five years old

Travel toys can make a long trip more pleasant for the child as well as the adults. No more are we there yets. These toys are also good to have to visits to homes that have no children and will not have anything for the child to play with.

Find It Kids Game
This is a very intriguing concept. It is a large, plastic cylinder filled with plastic pellets. Hidden is the pellets are treasures to be found There are many ways to play. A child can play by himself against the clock, or play against others to see who finds the most treasures. This is a toy that must be kept away from younger children due to small parts.

Magnetic Orbit 9 Travel Game From Eeboo
This is intended to be a two-player game, but a single child can easily make up their own adventures. The object of the game is to travel to different stars, planets, and unknown areas of space.

Trains and Car Toys for Kindergarten, five years old

The kindergarten child is ready for bigger and more complicated train sets and for faster remote control cars.

KG Racer Black Stripe From Kid Galaxy Toys
The remote control on this car is easy to use, so a child will not get frustrated with too many controls. The car is small enough to be used indoor or out.

Wooden Railway Train Set From Melissa & Doug
The listing says for three year olds, but that has to be a mistake because this is too complicated for a 3-year-old to master. A three year old needs to start out with a smaller set. The Wooden Railway Train Set includes a roundhouse engine shed, suspension bridge, trestle bridge, a roundtable, trees, workers, traffic signs, multi-piece trains, and magnetic-tipped cranes for great interactive play.

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