Top Ten Weekend Repairs

There are many projects which the average homeowner can do within a weekend which provides added value to their home. Here, we will examine the top ten changes that can make a dramatic appearance, but take less than a weekend to complete.

1) Paint the interior of your home. There are several tricks for painting. First, have your supplies ahead of time. If you are using different colors in each room, make sure to get enough tray liners and roller covers for each color of paint. This way, you can clean up once at the end of the project, instead of taking time out to clean up. Second, tape ahead of time. When you wake up in the morning, you may be anxious to begin painting, and lose your motivation by the time you finish taping. If you do it the night before, you will not rush yourself, and you will be able to do it right.

2) Paint the kitchen cabinets. There is no limit to the number of colors you can buy, although you should keep in mind that the cabinets should complement the rest of the kitchen. If your floors are dark, go with a lighter color cabinet. If your walls are light, go with a darker color paint. The kitchen should not be too light or too dark.

3) Stenciling the walls. This does not mean a small border that goes along the top of the wall. Nor does it mean a trompe l’oeil stencil that is meant to fool the viewer into thinking there is a window on an interior wall. There are large stencils that can be purchased, and these provide the best features of paint and wallpaper. They are meant to cover large areas. Use stencil adhesive on the back and stick it on your wall. A nice look is to use a muted metallic color. Also, you can use these on hardwood floors with stains. Have one area a shade lighter or darker than the stencilled area.

4) Change the light fixtures. Make sure you turn off the power, and then change the light fixtures to update the look. This is a very easy project for most people, and can provide a very dramatic look, depending on the light fixture you choose.

5) Landscaping with edgers. Use a garden hose and layout the path you want the edgers to take. Dig a small trench and sink the edgers into the ground. In the space for the flower bed, place a good weedblocking fabric. Feel free to add a lighting system, or solar lights. Cover this area with mulch, river rock, or bark nuggets. Place your plants where you would like them to go, and then cut an “X” in the fabric where the plants will be. Dig a hole there and plant the flowers.

6) Woodwork. Good quality woodwork can really add a dramatic, classy look to a house. Consider crown moulding, chair rails, baseboards, and other types of moulding that you like. Miter cuts can be tricky, so if you are not comfortable doing them, use one of the many decorative corner pieces that are available. Make sure to stain or paint your woodwork, and it usually looks best to do it in a color that differs dramatically from the wall color.

7) Outdoor play center. There are many things you can build within a weekend that will amaze the kids. Some things you can do are build a swingset or play center, a sandbox, or a clubhouse. There are many plans available on the internet, and you will certainly find something to delight your kids.

8) Change the fabrics in your home. Switch out the curtains or throw pillows. These things can make a house look dated, and it is so simple that everyone can manage it. You can stick with the same style but use a different color, or you can radically change your style.

9) Add blinds or shades. There are usually a few windows that people neglect when putting up shades. These may be on a porch, or in the laundry room. Or even if all of your windows have miniblinds, you could consider using roman shades. These provide a classier look to most rooms.

10) Remove wallpaper. You can purchase a wallpaper stripper solution at most home improvement stores, and this will help you take down the old wallpaper. Score the wallpaper so that the stripper can soak in, and then pull it off the wall. If it comes apart as you are pulling, use a scraper to get all the pieces off the wall. Then prepare your walls, and you are ready to paint or hang new wallpaper.

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