Top Three Vintage Clothing Stores in St. Louis, Missouri

Create your own one of kind vintage creations out of slightly damaged vintage clothing. Purchasing a vintage piece that may not be in the best condition. Use the pieces of the fabric that are in acceptable condition and use them to create one of a kind vintage scarves, hats, pocketbooks, book covers, napkins, and even patchwork vintage skirts. Find an old vintage pattern for a dress and piece together your vintage bits and pieces to create a new old work of art. Vintage clothing stores offer a continual source of materials for everyone to express their talent creating one of a kind vintage accessories as well as a great place to find that great retro bowling jacket. So, the next time you are craving something vintage, visit one of these great local vintage clothing stores in St. Louis, Missouri.
Vintage Haberdashery is a great local source in St. Louis for vintage hats and vintage clothing. While most of their inventory is vintage hats, they do have a nice selection of good quality vintage clothing. Vintage Haberdashery prices their vintage goods reasonably, so they have a good turn over of their inventory. New clothing and accessories come in almost daily, so be sure to check them out more than once. Vintage Haberdashery is located at 3143 South Grand Boulevard, St. Louis, Missouri, 63118. For direction or to set up an appointment to sell your own vintage hats and clothing contact them at (314) 772-1927.
Voisin’s Vintage Clothing is located at 12 Ã?¾ South Euclid Avenue, Sty. Louis, Missouri, 63108. They carry a large selection of vintage clothing all in good condition. Their racks are arranged by size and you will find distinct sections clothing from a specific area grouped together. Voisin’s Vintage Clothing is definitely a great place to spend an afternoon digging through vintage clothing as well as secondhand high quality clothing. Contact them at (314) 361-6777 for directions or store hours.
Ruth’s Vintage Clothing is a delightful little store full of fabulous vintage finds. They have a nice inventory of authentic vintage clothing as well as unusual pieces and designer labels. Almost anything goes at Ruth’s Vintage Clothing. Rack after rack of clothing is organized and promised to hold that unique shirt or accessory that will have you standing out from the crowd. Ruth’s Vintage Clothing is located at 2003 Cherokee Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri, 36118. If you would like to sell or trade your own vintage or designer items contact them at (314) 865-1091.