Top Value Laptop Computers

With the back-to-school season upon us and college students returning en masse to their dorms and class rooms, parents are thinking about all of the items they need to purchase before sending their kids back to school. One of the highest price items on the list is a new computer, though it is a long term investment compared to things like futons and shower caddies. The initial debate in the search for a new computer is whether to go with a desktop, which has more memory, or a laptop, which offers more mobility. While the price of laptops may have worried parents in the past, companies like Dell and Toshiba are putting out laptops that are less than $1,000 and often hovering around $500. The Dell Inspiron series and the Toshiba Satellite laptop are both value priced laptops that allow students to do homework and entertain themselves anywhere on campus.
The Dell Inspiron B130 is a great value price computer, ranging from $489 at its most basic level to about $800 with additional items like carrying case, digital camera, and additional memory. For parents and students looking to spread out their payments to Dell, the computer company offers a Preferred Credit system which is convenient and allows immediate use of a laptop computer, in this case for only $20 per month. As well, those purchasing this computer and many others on Dell get one year of no interest, which is a great way to start out your Dell experience. The Inspiron offers a 1.60 Ghz processor, 40 GB hard drive, and a Windows XP operating system, with Microsoft Works 8 as the standard office and organizational software. Dell also has a CD/DVD burner standard with the B130, which puts it at an advantage to its competitors in the computer market. Finally, Dell offers a one year warranty, including one year home service, which is extremely convenient to college students who are busy with part time jobs and class.
The Toshiba Satellite A110 laptop is another great value-priced computer. At $549, the Toshiba is a little more expensive than the Dell in terms of standard equipment. As well, Toshiba is similar in terms of operating software (Windows XP) and standard office software (MS Works). However, the Satellite A110 is different in several ways. First, Toshiba’s offering comes with high speed wireless network card built within the laptop, providing students an opportunity to tap into wireless internet on campus and at the increasing number of coffeehouses and restaurants with wireless capabilities. As well, Toshiba offers more freebies than Dell with their standard laptop offering. With purchase of the Toshiba Satellite A110, students can get a free carrying case, flash drive, and Canon printer with mail-in rebates, which is about a $200 value. For students looking to get more accessories for their buck, the Toshiba Satellite may be their best choice.
Of the two computers, the Dell Inspiron B130 is probably the better computing choice. It has a more powerful processor, better standard memory, and comes with a better warranty and service agreement. However, Toshiba offers some great incentives for students who want to get all of their accessories taken care of right away, as well as a more interesting laptop design. In the end, parents and students who are looking at value priced laptops need to look at their needs. If they want a computer with more power and fewer frills, the Dell Inspiron is the better option, while the Toshiba Satellite is better for students who are more interested in mobility and getting more stuff for their money.