Travel Off the Beaten Path: Transylvania

Transylvania certainly is a real place and it is found in central Romania. The Carpathian Mountains are located here and there are some major cities with things to see and do just like any other world destination for travelers. Transylvania is saturated with all kinds of exciting things including tradition, folklore, and as strange as it may sound, even romance.
As the gothic craze is growing, interest in things like vampire lore is increasing greatly. If you have always loved stories of Dracula (or maybe been scared witless when thinking of Dracula but facing fears is good!) consider a trip to the beautiful Romanian mountains and Transylvania.
The Dracula Legend
Chances are that when you think of Transylvania, it may be assumed that it is just a place of legend. Wasn’t it simply made up when the Dracula stories were written? Bram Stoker wrote of Dracula in 1897, but the castle spoken of in the novel was constructed in the mid 1300s. Before that, the land held a fortress built in 1212. It is situated atop a cliff and any gothic enthusiast or horror story lover will be happy to know that visitors can stop by the “Bran Castle” in Transylvania for a tour. They can’t promise that a visitor will be frightened, but anyone with a creative mind has a good chance to think they see something of Count Dracula lying around the castle or peeking from behind a painting!
It should be noted, however, that this is just where Count Dracula (a.k.a. “Vlad the Impaler”) stayed here in Transylvania, using the castle as a headquarters at times. The actual Castle of Dracula is now in ruins. To a tried and true gothic enthusiast, vampire buff, or world traveler, however, that shouldn’t make much difference because this travel destination of Transylvania is excellent for a trip “off the beaten path.”
As a side note here, if you enjoyed reading the Dracula book or seeing one of the various movies on the subject, try researching Vlad Tepes, Prince of Wallachia, and the “real” Dracula. His biography reads almost as frightening as the fiction character’s biography.
How do I start planning?
If the trip you are planning is to Romania in general or the medieval Transylvania area in particular, chances are that your travel party or family may be staying in the popular and nearby Brasov City or another more heavily populated area. If winter activities are enjoyed, this is the place to go. The area offers snowboarding and skiing when those things are in season. There are other winter activities to do, too.
If your trip is during the warmer months, check out one of the many tours in the area or play tennis, swim, climb the mountain, or any other of a number of activities. If sports aren’t a high interest, this part of Romania near Transylvania offers many historical places to see and things to do, including many museums. Consider staying at a chalet or villa in the mountains and the adventure traveler part of you just may never want to leave again after this area is experienced.
On the other hand . . .
If you really don’t want to ski or see other parts of Romania and wish to stay close to Dracula lore, the castle, or other Transylvania points of interest, try to find a lodge nearer to Bran for your overnight accommodations.
Look for medieval churches and other architecture in this area. There are a number of fortresses near here that can be toured, but be sure to have all of these things researched before leaving home. It is never a good idea to reach a destination, especially one as exciting as Transylvania, and end up wasting time doing the travel plans that should have been solidified before leaving home.
As another side note, it has been rumored that Prince Charles has been buying some property in the Transylvania area. It has been said to be for his hunting expeditions and vacations. After seeing the beauty of this part of the world around Transylvania, it is well understood why this is prime land.
Another thing to research
Something else that needs to be researched before arriving to Transylvania, the land of gothic wonders and Dracula, is to know where the restaurants in the area are located. It is not necessary to memorize them all, but it is always a good idea to know the options so you will be well prepared after arriving. Try as many Romanian cuisine items on a menu as possible.
Fast food is available in the larger areas of the country, but if you’re like me, eating food that can be found around every corner at home just isn’t something I want to eat on vacation!
Having fun in “vampire land!”
Your trip to Transylvania will be a lot more enjoyable if you know what is available to do in the area. Check out the admission prices and hours of operation for the places that are of particular interest. Prices for everything from admissions to food to lodging are quite reasonable.
When planning an itinerary for activities in Transylvania, consider things like a health resort, skiing, hiking, museums, or just plain sightseeing. If there is a special interest in things medieval, check out those types of attractions before leaving for your trip.
The vistas in this area (if your itinerary includes some kind of mountain excursions such as stopping by Bran Castle) are amazing so be sure not to forget your camera or video camera at the hotel or bed and breakfast. You’ll want to be able to show your friends the views that Dracula saw, after all!
Keep an eye open for locals selling all kinds of goods. Beware of the quality of Dracula and Transylvania souvenirs offered, but also don’t forget to look for things like roadside stands for cheese that shepherds make to sell, and other local offerings. This is not, however, like other touristy areas and visitors are not overrun with vampire or Dracula items around every turn.
Hangin’ with the locals!
As with any trip outside of your own country, one of the best ways to find the finest restaurants and attractions is to ask the locals. This is also true for Transylvania. If you are fond of Dracula lore, locals are happy to point travelers in the proper direction for such things. By the same token, if you’d rather skip all that and just soak in the beauty of the Transylvania area on your vacation, the locals can help with that as well.
When you find favorite restaurants of people who live around Transylvania, there will most likely be a lot of meat on the menus. There will also be food that will remind you of German food such as cabbages and various types of sausages. If you’re a meat and potato type of person, you’ll most likely adore your brush with Romanian food.
Final words . . .
Whether you want a romantic getaway to the Romanian mountains for hiking or skiing, a trip filled with looking over your shoulder with thoughts of vampires and Dracula, or just an exciting destination off the beaten path, choosing Transylvania may fill all of the vacation expectations the traveler had in mind.