Travel in Time This Summer to the Great Lakes Medieval Faire

Are you tired of doing the same old thing every summer for your family vacation? How about traveling in time to 14th century England? The Great Lakes Medieval Faire (, is located in Geneva, Ohio (east of Cleveland). This unique summer festival is held, rain or shine, weekends during July and August (see the site for the current schedule).

Enter the kingdom of Avaloch, and meet noblemen and women, knights and peasants. Each summer, a new story unfolds before the eyes of the visitors, as they wander the festival, stopping to watch live performances scattered about on the various stages. You may even run into King Arthur himself. Pirates may appear when they are least expected and steal the treasure of Avaloch. Robin Hood has even been known to make an appearance with his Merry Men.

As you spend the day at the festival, you can enjoy food fit for a king and queen. Have a drink at a local pub, and enjoy traveling minsterals. You can even get married at the festival (you must contact them in advance, prices vary). They have a Fairy Forrest full of fun things for the children, including puppets and a scavenger hunt.

When you visit Avaloch, you may come as you are, or dressed for the occasion in period costumes. You can purchase or rent clothing at the faire, as well. You may wear your sword, as long as it is sheathed and peace tied, to avoid any unnecessary bloodshed. There are many skilled artisans scattered around the tree-lined kingdom selling their wares.

Each weekend, there are various entertainers to be enjoyed on stage. From singers and jesters to swordplay, there is something for everyone. There are some regular visitors to Avaloch every summer, and some that are only there for a limited time. (The website has updated performer information as it is available).

In addition to the overall story for the festival, each weekend has a special theme. One weekend it could be a Celtic celebration, and another the pirates are invading. But, no matter what the theme, there is merriment to be enjoyed by all visitors to Avaloch.

But, the highlight of the festival is the joust. Watch as two knights battle on horseback for honor and glory. You can cheer on your champion as they race toward each other, full tilt, and attempt to unhorse each other. Watch as they fight with sword and shield, showing their skills to the enjoyment of the crowds.

Tickets can be purchased in advance from the website or the day of the faire. Discount tickets are also available at various locations around NE Ohio and NW Pennsylvania (tba on the site closer to opening day of the festival). Group discounts and season and weekend passes are available. In order to purchase anything at the festival, you must exchange modern currency for Avaloch Dollars, which are good anywhere in the kingdom.

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