Travel in Western Australia

Located in the western part of Australia is tunnel creek national park. And within tunnel creek np is a cave system that was a known hideout for a famous leader of the Aborigines in the late 1800s. After being on the run for about 3 years, Jandamarra, or ‘Pigeon’, as he was sometimes called, was killed out side the entrance to this tunnel system known as Tunnel Creek. This tunnel system in tunnel creek np also has the sole distinction of being the oldest tunnel system in Australia.

There is a 750 walkway through the tunnel that will take you out the other side where you will end up on the other side of Napier Range. And, as you walk through this tunnel, you will have the opportunity to see the nocturnal side of nature in tunnel creek np. The first thing you may notice is the water pools that are there all the time as the result ofleftover water from the wet season.The wet season normally runs from January through March when the water is running continuously through this tunnel system. The suggestion for proper equipment for this visit to tunnel creek is a flashlight, jacket or sweater, and comfortable sneakers.

As you remain in the tunnel, you will also be able to observe the beauty of the stalagmites and stalactites that
have been formed over the past several million years.

Hang onto your hats (literally), because you may meet some of the unique inhabitants of this cave. This cave in tunnel creek np was at one time known as the “cave of bats”. You will come across some fruit bats here, but you will also find a very rare bat. This bat is called the Ghost bat, which is considered to be Australia’s only carnivorous bat. Meaning, this bat eats meat. These bats feed off of

* Frogs
* Lizards
* Small birds
* And yes, other bats

But they do not required human meat or blood. In fact these Ghost bats will leave their sanctuary if there is too much artificial light experienced in the cave.

The area both inside and outside the cave is home to several different species of birds. There are also birds that will hang around just the inside of the cave entrance and wait for their meals of small fish and cherabun.

You may also see some freshwater crocodiles feeding on their favorite meal of frogs, insects, and several species of fish. It seems that being a frog or fish in that cave system would prove to be quite a challenge for survival against the Ghost bats, birds, and crocodiles.

The cave system in wind tunnel np was formed from rainwater seeping into the rock that is made up of calcium carbonate. Calcium carbonate dissolves quite easily in time. Therefore, as the water seeped through the rocks made of calcium carbonate, especially during the wet season, it (the water) started flowing and eventually formed the
cave system.

The facilities available in tunnel creek np are for day use only. There are toilets and an information center available. But there is no camping and no pets are allowed. The best times of the year to visit are from May through September. During the wet season, the park is usually closed. Rock climbing is not recommended because of the softness of the limestone. But there is swimming allowed in the water hole at the entrance to the Tunnel Creek cave systems.

Tunnel creek national park covers an total of 91 hectares. Besides going cave exploring while there, you can take some walks, do some sight seeing, and take lots of pictures of the awesome and beautiful scenery that is your to behold. Have a great trip.

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