Traveler’s Guide to Rental Cars

Different rental companies have their own definitions of terms and they may or may not vary slightly from those outlined below. Always ask for examples of familiar model names. Rental companies’ model classifications may vary and this will help you to compare rates and understand the size of the vehicle you are reserving.
Also, remember that even if your car’s manufacturer says the car is a Compact, for example, the rental company may consider it full-size. So once again, before you travel, always be sure to ask. Always keep in mind that rental car companies’ classifications of models may deviate from the car’s manufacturer.
Here is a breakdown of some of the most common terms that rental companies use to classify different car models:
Compact Cars
A compact car is usually defined as smaller than the average car model, but larger than the smallest car model. An example would be the Chevrolet Cobalt and in some cases, small SUV’s like the Ford Escape. If you’re in Europe, a compact car is referred to as “family size.”
Mid-Size Cars or Intermediate Cars
A mid-size car is also known as an intermediate car, and it is larger than a compact car and smaller than a full-size. Excellent examples would be a Ford Taurus and the Oldsmobile Alero. They are smooth for travel and tend to run mid-range in price. In Europe, these cars are usually referred to as “large family cars.”
Full-Size Car
A full-size car is a car that is larger than a mid-size car. Ideally, full-size cars should have an overall length of more than 197 in, or approximately 16 feet. They are good cars for family travel. An example of a full-size car is the Toyota Avalon and the Buick Sentry.
Economy Car
An economy car is a car that is meant to be efficient and inexpensive for travel. They usually get good gas mileage and are many times the most reasonably priced. Typical economy cars are lightweight and small, and some good examples are the Honda Civic and Mazda Prot�©g�©.
Luxury Cars or Premium Cars
Luxury Cars or Premium Cars are vehicles that offer a great deal of comfort and luxury for travel. While there are numerous vehicles that have luxurious settings, a true luxury car is a car that places more emphasis on comfort, appearance, technology, and amenities than on economy or utility. An example of a true luxury car is a Mercedes-Benz S-Class or a Lexus LS.