Treadmills Are Useless

Studies show more than 92% of people who own treadmills do not use them. Treadmills, and any other fitness machines, that are not used are useless. Hectic schedules and lack of time are common reasons people give for not working out.

The makers of the ROM Machine claim they can offer a results-based workout in only 4 minutes. Skeptics, like me, would naturally say 4 minutes sounds too good to be true. However, when I used the machine, it was obvious that various muscle groups were being worked. Resistance could be felt without strain. The machine’s best quality was its focus on the body’s range of motion, testing my flexibility. If you can get past the fact that the contraption looks like some torture device out of the 15th century, you could be well on your way to a 4 minute a day new physique.

In fact, a study conducted with ROM machines at University of Southern California showed the effectiveness of the 4-minute and 8-minute per day exercise on the ROM as equal to or better than 20 to 45 minutes on a treadmill 3 to 5 times per week. But, before you rearrange the furniture in the living room to make space for this little gem, you will have to overcome the sticker shock. This device sells for more than $14,000. The makers of the ROM 4 minute workout claim that it is still the absolute least expensive method of exercise available for all income groups above the poverty line, and give reasons for the high price on their website. However, I think most would choose to buy a car, pay off their credit card bills, or perhaps send their first-born to college, rather than fork over their cash for the ROM Machine. Overall, I had a very positive workout and experience testing the ROM Machine, but the cost versus reward just wasn’t great enough for me to make the investment.

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